Chapter 18 : Facetime

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Get ready for some fluff :)

December 30, 2017.

Taehyung pulled away from the hug eventually, not actually what to do. He didn't think this far, he was sure that he wouldn't be accepted. He just looked down, nervous, shy and confused. Jeongguk took his hand in his, as the elder looked up at him. With a small smile, he placed the other's hand on his heart—Taehyung's eyes widening at how erratic his heartbeat was.

"You feel that? It always happens when I'm around you, hyung," he said, Taehyung still looking at him with his wide eyes, "Since... past 10 to 15 days? I think."

"O-Oh," the elder stuttered, looking at his hand, feeling the uneven heartbeat again, "But why didn't you tell me sooner? I-I mean... you liked me for nearly two weeks. We... We promised to never keep secrets."

This time, Jeongguk looked down.

"I'm sorry, hyung," he mumbled, "It was so hard, I didn't even know I was gay—and liking you, I didn't want to ruin the friendship between us."

Taehyung nodded hesitantly.

"It's... okay, yeah," he said—it was true that he was a bit hurt because of that, since he told Jeongguk as soon as possible, and Jeongguk didn't.

"Hyung," he called, knowing what the other was feeling, "If I confessed to you then, what would you have done?" 

"I don't know..."

"No, tell me. You just found out that you like boys too, at that time, you didn't know—and won't that make things awkward between us?"

Taehyung nodded.

"I didn't want to lose you, hyung," he whispered, hugging the elder again.

Taehyung smiled before hugging back.

"It's okay," he whispered.

"Now, come on, let's go to sleep," Jeongguk said, and before the elder to see what was about to happen, Jeongguk bent down a bit, before lifting Taehyung swiftly.

Taehyung yelped at that, not expected to be lifted off from ground.

"Just... how many muscles did you gain?" He asked breathlessly, with his arms hanging from his shoulders and legs around his torso.

Jeongguk giggled.

"Enough to carry you everywhere," he said, as he went towards the bed. 

"I want to carry you too, Imma just... gain muscles... and carry you around, wait for it!" he said, in a challenging tone, as both of them landed of Taehyung's bed.

"Sure, hyung, gain all the muscles you want," Jeongguk agreed, climbing on the bed, beside Taehyung, "But—how did you find out?" 

"That I like you? Listen listen," he said hurriedly, as he turned sideways, facing Jeongguk.

Jeongguk smiled at that, just... no reason. Taehyung automatically brought a smile on his face. And him getting excited to share things with him, made him even more happier. His insides felt all giddy—and he was loving it.

"When I was with you in gym, I couldn't even look at you. Your muscles were so distracting. I've seen your body lot of times, but that time... it was so different. I wanted to look at that, but only me, I didn't like the fact that everyone looks at you with those muscles and biceps. And also, I really hated, when you just grabbed Jimin's hand and went to your room, telling that you want to talk to him alone. I was thinking at what you wanted alone with him and why did you hold his hand—again, I didn't like it. Also! When we watched movie together with our hyungs, I didn't like you and Jimin sitting beside each other, and I didn't even know why!"

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