Chapter 32 : Scared

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January 22, 2018.

It wasn't everyday when Taehyung woke up and have a very different aura emitting him. The moment he opened his eyelids groggily, he searched for his boyfriend beside him, only to find him absent. He didn't really find it odd, he just cursed to himself for being stupid.

Jeongguk never stayed till the morning in his room, and nor did he stay in Jeongguk's room the whole night. 

And it definitely wasn't everyday where Taehyung yearned for Jeongguk's attention fully on him.

Maybe because of the uncontrollable jealousness he had yesterday, or the guts that everybody knew about their relationship and the relief that they could actually be open. He didn't know what it was, but it was really strange to himself that he had such a thought.

Taehyung sat up on his bed slowly, letting out a lazy yawn. 

His mind immediately went to the small talk he had with Yoongi.

Break up, homophobia, not coming out every, moving on... marrying some other girl, later in life. His mind, went somewhere else with its jet speed, and it was nowhere near their happy ending. 

"Don't you know what to think in the morning?" He mumbled to himself, as he got up from the bed, rubbing his eyes softly.

The door suddenly opened, just when Taehyung wanted to go to wash up himself and get ready for the day as usual, revealing the eldest hyung.

"Tae! Thank god, you're awake. And today's the day one of I'm proud of you," he beamed slightly, before hugging the other immediately.

Taehyung grimaced at that the moment he was being hugged—imagine someone closer to you right after you woke.

"Ah, hyung," he muttered, and thankfully, the elder pulled away ruffling his hair softly.

"I'm not kidding, I'm really proud of you. It must've been so hard going through things at a younger age, without no one's help. And as a hyung, I can't be prouder," Jin smiled at him, patting his shoulders.

Taehyung stared at the other for a second, before laughing out in a low voice.

"Why are you like this? Morning itself...," he muttered, shaking his head, going to the washroom—but truth to be told, he was so overwhelmed right at the start of the day, and most of all—it was unexpected.

He smiled to himself, as he rinsed his face with cold water, making him less sleepy.

"Taehyungie, I have to—oh, Jin hyung?" Taehyung heard his boyfriend's voice, as he peeked from the washroom with water dripping off his face.

"And as a hyung, I'm very proud of you too!" Jin exclaimed once again, before hugging him.

Jeongguk looked at Taehyung with a confused expression at the sudden hug, but nonetheless, didn't refuse the hug. Taehyung just shrugged with a small smile in his face, and Jeongguk almost melted at that. That small gesture, let him know that Taehyung was relieved... he was feeling at ease.

The younger knew how much of a hard time Taehyung had, when they were considering coming out to their members, that he almost felt like he was rushing. And now that Taehyung was relieved, Jeongguk couldn't be happier. He hugged back the other, not letting Jin hyung go away, making him chuckle.

Jeongguk perked his lips forward, giving a flying kiss towards the other, his eyes forming crinkles, making Taehyung giggle slightly.

The younger immediately had a wide smile on his face because of that, as pulled back, holding Jin by his shoulders.

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