Chapter 25 : Coming out?

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January 12, 2018.

Taehyung dragged his boyfriend inside the dance room again that night, after all the members left the company, done with their daily schedules. Jeongguk's leg was still uptight, not really suitable dancing, sadly.

The moment both of them entered the room, the elder locked the room, switching on the lights, as he made Jeongguk sit on the floor. The younger looked at him confusingly, as Taehyung sat in front of him, taking the first aid kit from his bag.

Before Jeongguk could say anything, the latter pulled up the other's pants, the purple bruise still on his knee—except that it was lighter.

"Finally, started healing," Taehyung muttered under his breath, as he opened the kit, taking a bandage, before peeling it softly.

"I told you it would heal," Jeongguk mumbled, earning a glare from the other.

"You—You have no place to talk," he said, still a bit sulky about what happened three days ago, "I'm still mad at you!"

"But you told you forgave me," Jeongguk said, in a pouty voice, a low whine leaving him at the end, as Taehyung didn't say anything, continuing to change the bandage of the wound.

Jeongguk let out a low sigh, as he looked at the male in front of him—probably thinking how he got so lucky to get a boyfriend like him, for the freaking umpteenth time.

"I'm sorry, hyung," Jeongguk apologized again, pulling Taehyung in for a short kiss, on the lips, "I won't hide anything from you, even if it worries you—wait, no. I can't promise that—ouch!"

Taehyung smacked the other's head, cutting Jeongguk mid-sentence.

"We both will not hide anything from each other, promise?" Taehyung asked sternly, "And when I say anything, I mean it. Even if it worries the other."

"Okay," he mumbled, as he attached their pinkies together, pressing their thumbs against each other.

"Good," Taehyung said, rubbing softly over the clot, wanting it to disappear as soon as possible, "Let's go now?"

"Where?" Jeongguk asked, frowning.

"To our dorm?"

"No, let's just stay here for a while," Jeongguk refused immediately, as he pulled Taehyung closer, making him sit on his lap with his legs wrapped around his torso—they were holding each other, sitting on the floor, as Jeongguk nuzzled his face in Taehyung's neck.

"Because, you know... we don't have to stay secretive for a while now, as no one is here," Jeongguk whispered softly, "Don't get me wrong, I love the hyungs—"

"I know, Gguk. You don't have to explain everything to me," Taehyung said, hugging the other by his shoulders closely to himself. 

On the other hand, Jimin was lying on the couch in the living room, reading comics in his phone, when he heard Namjoon's voice calling for him.

"Jimin, where's Tae and Jeongguk?" He asked, peaking from his room door, half sleepy already.

"Didn't they come with Jin hyung?" The younger asked back.

"Uh... no. Jin hyung, me and Hobi came together. You and Yoongi hyung came together, where's the other two?" He asked, frowning.

"Probably at the dance room? Where did they go—I saw them getting out of the room, though, and Tae locked it. Right in front of me," Jimin said, now sitting upright on the couch.

It was a bit late at night to be outside, and the fact that he literally saw the two maknaes coming out of the room beside him, confused him even more.

"I'll just give them a call, you rest, hyung—"

He was interrupted by their own house's door opening, pretty loudly, only to find Taehyung and Jeongguk talking to each other in hushed voices.

"There they are," Jimin mumbled, making both of them look at him.

"Great, you guys are here, goodnight," Namjoon mumbled sleepily, before going inside and locking his room—probably going back to sleep.

"Okay, but why are you still awake?" Taehyung asked, as he subtly removed his hands from Jeongguk's—Jimin noticed that, obviously, but he decided to let it slide for the time being.

"Why are you still out?" He asked back.

"Uh, Jeonggukie was hurt, remember?" Taehyung reminded him.

"Yeah, he changed my bandage, and came home, nothing much," Jeongguk shrugged, his hands already feeling empty without his lover's.

"Oh, okay," Jimin answered, as he lied back on the couch, pretending he didn't really mind much about them.

But their lips were so swollen, and Jeongguk's ears were slightly red. Taehyung was fiddling with his fingers after retrieving it from Jeongguk's hands, and that showed that he was nervous. Jimin noticed how the maknae's expression fell when Taehyung moved away from him.

They were... so strange.

Jimin started having doubts. He wasn't sure what doubt he was having, but he was definitely sure that something was going on between the two.




"Hyung, can we, like... come out?" Jeongguk asked, against Taehyung's neck—as both of them were lying on the bed.

At that same night, Taehyung snuck out of his room, and went to Jeongguk's just to spend the night together, as usual. And there they were, cuddling against each other, almost asleep from a tiring day.

Taehyung blinked at the sudden question—wondering where that come from out of nowhere.

"What?" He asked, turning towards him slightly.

"I was thinking about it recently... Why don't we come out as boyfriends to our hyungs? Also... as a queer?" Jeongguk asked softly, "It's just that, they are really important in both of our lives, and I'm kind of guilty for not telling them..."

Taehyung blinked—it wasn't like he hadn't thought about coming out and all, but it was too sudden. And too soon. They had only been seeing each other for ten days, and they became official only recently, that might be late—but for Taehyung, it was a bit soon.

And he wasn't ready.

He didn't know when he would be too.

"You can deny if you want, hyung. I'm not forcing you," Jeongguk said, softly, tracing circles on Taehyung's side, in order to comfort him.

"I know," Taehyung said, smiling, as he turned towards him completely attaching their foreheads together, making Jeongguk smile, "Can I have some time to think about it?"

"Of course, hyung. Take all the time you want."



*ahem* sorry, btw short chapter because another update coming soon 👀

Look forward to it! 

Happy reading~


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