[P2] Chapter 65 : Red Roses

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The last (and the longest) chapter! 

August 31, 2019. 

Two months.

Two months have passed since Taehyung and Jeongguk decided to take a break from their relationship, and things have been going pretty well. Well as in Taehyung was getting really better. Now that he didn't have to worry about upsetting Jeongguk, or missing dates, or any such thing, he had completely immersed in making himself a better person and a much happier person, in the past two months.

With Jeongguk's help, of course.

Much to Taehyung's surprise, Jeongguk always stayed with him, like always. He never failed to keep his word, of being Taehyung's moral support and loving him from afar. Even when Taehyung was half asleep, Jeongguk would sing to him at times, late at night, and confess his love all over again. All while Taehyung was listening. It was one of the times when it was so hard for Taehyung to not cry. 

It definitely has been hard for Jeongguk to control himself at times, but once he remembered the reason for it, it just happened immediately. Because no matter what, Taehyung was always the first priority. Even before himself.

But recently, there was something that Taehyung had been keeping secret from Jeongguk.

The maknae have been thinking that Taehyung still needed a lot of time for his recovery, and he was still fighting the battle of his anxiety. But in all honesty, Taehyung already won it.

Yeah, after two months, going through a lot of hardships, affecting himself and his work majorly, Taehyung managed to get out of the dark spot of his mind. He was free.

He didn't inform anyone yet, it had been his little secret, but he had something else planned on the side. A little surprise for Jeongguk.

Taehyung was going to ask him out again. He thought this over so many times, and after deciding that he was ready for a relationship once again, and that he would be ready to shower Jeongguk with love and affection, he wanted to ask him out once again. Taehyung wasn't really sure what Jeongguk would say though, he just hoped that Jeongguk would accept him for the second time.

He was currently in Jeongguk's house, lying on the couch, while waiting for the younger one, who was in the shower. Taehyung wished that the night would come sooner, he couldn't wait to see Jeongguk's reaction when he asked him out again. A small smile made its way to his face at that thought, as he let out a happy sigh, biting his lips.

After all Jeongguk did for Taehyung, this surprise was literally the least he could do. He was so deep in his thoughts, lost in imagination, that he didn't notice Jeongguk standing there with a towel around his torso and wet hair.

"Why are you laughing, hyung?" Jeongguk asked, confused, chuckling himself, as the latter got up at the sudden voice, only to see a half-naked Jeongguk standing there.

"Oh, nothing," Taehyung replied, as he tried to control his face from getting red. He just couldn't help but get flustered when he saw Jeongguk like that, even after this long.

Jeongguk frowned at him, obviously not believing him, but he decided to drop the topic for the moment.

"Okay," he said, "You want something to eat? I can make something."

"Anything is fine, but not too heavy, please," Taehyung answered, shoving his phone down his pockets, before getting up from the couch.

"You have plans of eating somewhere?" The younger one asked, with both of his eyebrows knitted together, and a small pout decorating his lips cutely.

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