Chapter 5 : Nervous

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December 15, 2017.

It was their first day for their work, their break of three days getting over in the bat of an eye. Not that they were complaining though. The three days went smoothly too all of them, all of them---except Jeongguk. His mind was a mess, his emotions were confused, and he was no better---in the process of questioning himself.

Though he hadn't really thought about this when he was with the others, he tried not to. He preferred to keep it to himself, at least, until he was aware of his own self. 

But liking a guy was the last thing he want. 

Now, he wanted to let all these thoughts go away for the day, and start his next part of his career smoothly. Jeongguk was excited. 

Just when he was about to go to shower, his door opened to reveal Hoseok. The elder was all ready to go to their company. To resume their new album work again. 

"Good morning," he said. "Did I leave my phone here?"

"No, I don't think so, hyung," the younger answered, as he went to his shower, leaving his hyung to search for his phone. 

Jeongguk's muscles were visibly relaxing at the hot water flowing on top of him. No matter how many worries he must've had, no matter how many hardships he would've gone through, just a bath in warm water, would make him forget everything. 

Seconds later, he heard the elder shouted from outside.

"Never mind, Jeongguk-ah. I left it at Taehyung's, I just now remembered!" He shouted, and Jeongguk head snapped up at Taehyung's name. The maknae heard the sound of door shutting, and by that, he figured that Hoseok left the room. 

"For heaven's sake, it's just his phone, why are you being paranoid?" Jeongguk muttered to himself, as he slightly peeked at the mirror, only to see his own reflection. 

"And who are you to feel uncomfortable about it?" He asked, pointing to himself, trying to ignore the increasing pace of his heartbeat. "It's just a phone, why?" He groaned.

Feeling his heart beating even faster---

"Oh, shut up heart."


Taehyung was about to exit his studio at night, finishing his schedule for the day. He stood up yawning slightly, obviously tired, stretching his arms. Switching off the lights, grabbing his phone and other things, he went out of his studio. 

He put his hoodie on, as he walked out---surprised to see Jeongguk standing there---wait, why was he surprised? Jeongguk's studio is right next to his. 

Ah, what's wrong with me? 

"Oh hey, hyung," the maknae said, as soon as he saw Taehyung. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked, pushing his big hoodie away, so that he could look at him. 

"Waiting for you?" Jeongguk asked back, with an unsure look on his face. 

He was indeed waiting for me, I'm right! 

Taehyung immediately, though he couldn't figure out why he was surprised to see him. It was just Jeongguk---thinking that, he let it slide his mind, as they both started walking together. 

As of Jeongguk, he wanted the weird, hurt feeling of his to go away. But at the same time, he didn't want to ignore the elder completely because he knew that it'd only affect him even more. He didn't know why though---and he didn't want to acknowledge that ever again. 

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