[P2] Chapter 46 : Burdens

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April 25, 2019. 

It was yet another morning beside each other, in their shared dorm. The only difference was, all the other members were staying there too. Jeongguk was still asleep, nearly nine in the morning, as the elder eyed him groggily, waking up after a not-very-good sleep.

He's so cute...

That was the first thought that struck his mind, the moment he saw the younger one beside him, properly. A yawn left his mouth lazily, as he turned towards the other properly, bringing his hands to his cheek, tracing his thumb over the skin softly.

All the fears he had, all the disturbing nightmares he has been having for the past days, it seemed everything went away in a fraction of a second. Not fully, but at least, Taehyung knew that Jeongguk was right in front of him, as his epitome of happiness and love.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Jeongguk muttered, with his eyes still closed, making Taehyung pull away for a second, before cupping his cheek even more tightly, and nudging their noses together, waking Jeongguk up.

"Just appreciating what is meant to be appreciated," the elder one whispered, earning a small laugh from Jeongguk.

"We're still so cheesy," he commented, pulling Taehyung on top of him, holding him within both of his arms. 

"I don't mind," Taehyung scoffed softly, before wrapping his arms around the other's shoulders, pressing their lips together the next second. 

Jeongguk did nothing but let out a small appreciative hum, as he flipped over, making the elder one lay below him. Balancing on both the sides, he caged Taehyung between himself and the bed, before moving his lips against the other's rapidly.

Taehyung felt heart swell in adoration and passion, as his hands travelled to his neck, gripping the back of it, pulling him closer and closer towards himself. Their legs entangled together, rubbing softly, they were devouring each other's mouth, filled with love and lust. 

The elder one let out a small moan, when Jeongguk nudged his bottom lip with his teeth. 

Morning breath? It was long forgotten.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are like this," Jeongguk whispered, pulling away for a second, before lunging down and capturing his lips between this, Taehyung kissing back immediately. 

But unexpectedly to the maknae, Taehyung flipped them to the other side, pinning Jeongguk down on the bed, pulling away to catch his breath.

"And you're really pretty," he complimented, his voice getting deeper slightly, and before anyone could even think, they went back to kissing once again. 

Jeongguk had both of his arms around Taehyung's torso, and pulled him closer down to himself, if that was even possible. They were just so caught amongst themselves first thing in the morning, thanks to Taehyung, and knowing that they couldn't get enough of each other even after a long time dating... was just, so satisfying. 

It gave both of them a strange feeling, more like a pleasant belief, that they would definitely each other's no matter what happened, and no matter how old they got.




Hoseok hesitated for a second, standing in front of Taehyung's room, to knock. He knew both of them were still inside, enjoying their private time, and he really wouldn't be standing there, if it wasn't important.

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