Chapter 20 : Kiss

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January 1, 2018.

Taehyung sighed, as he was the first one to reach the rooftop. Seeing that everyone was occupied with cooking, and much help wasn't really needed, he came to the terrace, informing them---to get some fresh air alone.

The cold night air hit him profusely, swiping his bangs sideward immediately. 

He let out a deep breath, loving the dark environment, as he hugged himself rubbing his arms, looking around. Leaning against the edge, he could still look at a few vehicles moving around on the main road, a bit far away---even it was just an hour for midnight.

It's New Year, dumbass.

He told himself, that he facepalmed.

Of course, people wouldn't be in their homes during New Year Eve. 

Taehyung looked above, at the stars, just a for a second---his mind immediately going towards the maknae, wondering what it'd feel like to hold hands with him and walk in the moonlight.

Now that he thought of it, he hadn't held Jeongguk's properly---not even once.

They had hugged, cuddled, played and goofed around, but never holding hands securely. 

His heart quivered at the thought of that, wondering how it'd feel like to have warm hands to hold, not just hands---Jeongguk's hands.

Thinking back, it didn't even take a long period of time for Taehyung to recognize his feelings for Jeongguk. He was damn jealous seeing the younger with others, his heart started beating faster---he knew he liked him.

And seeing Jeongguk cry made him miserable more than anything.

It was literally unbearable.

"Did I do the right decision?" He whispered to himself, looking down.

"On what?"

Taehyung turned around suddenly at the sound. There stood Jeongguk, with both of hands on his pockets, looking at him.

"Nothing," the elder shook his head, as Jeongguk went beside Taehyung---making the elder smile at that. Jeongguk didn't say anything, as they were enveloped by a comfortable silence. The younger slowly creeped his hands downwards, without Taehyung noticing, taking his hands in his own.

Taehyung looked down, as he looked Jeongguk intertwining their fingers. He looked back at the maknae, with his heart rate picking up. Jeongguk understood what the elder was thinking just by a side look, but he did nothing have a teasing smile on his face. 

Taehyung looked away, laughing under his breath, as he tightened his grip on the other's hand, rubbing his thumb over the other's knuckles.

The elder looked at their hands one more time, loving the way how it fit against each other, before lifting, placing a soft kiss on it. Jeongguk raised on of his eyebrows at that action, to which Taehyung just shrugged back. 

Jeongguk looked at the elder for a moment, before---

Taehyung felt the younger, hold his shoulders in place, coming closer towards him---the space between them slowly disappearing. Not even expecting that a bit, Taehyung started fiddling with his fingers without the younger knowing---Jeongguk didn't care anything, he was just dying to kiss him. 

Nothing seemed to matter to him, other than that.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly, his lips ghosting over the other's.

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