Chapter 28 : Run Away

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A longer chapter, enjoy! <33

January 16, 2018.

It was the same old that day.

Both of them were busy due to work, and hadn't seen each other all day. It seemed like something new, but at the same time it wasn't.

Were we like all the time, like, before we started dating each other? Or does it seem too much apart just now...?

Jeongguk thought, as working on his lyrics and beat of his next song. They had a performance for Blood, Sweat And Tears, and some two more of the old songs last night, that all of them slept the first thing they returned to their dorm.

The younger let out a tired yawn.

He hadn't been getting a lot of sleep lately. 

His mind was always so focused on the thought of coming out. And he was excited for it.

Jeongguk couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed, when Taehyung said he wasn't ready. And that made him guilty.

As his boyfriend, he should be there for him, without rushing anything—especially not something as serious as coming out. He should understand that Taehyung wasn't ready, and he should be focusing on something else, rather than getting disappointed.

He didn't want to come out rashly, he wanted to reveal his love to his hyungs slowly and calmly, with both of them completely comfortable with it.

But as a young man who just started to date for the first time in his life, it was normal to think that he wanted to tell everyone about it, and feel proud. He wanted Taehyung to be happy when they actually reveal their relationship.

But when he saw the elder crying in his studio two days ago, the tiny hope he had crashed immediately.

Jeongguk started to think that maybe... it would take a lot longer for Taehyung to gather the courage.

He felt bad.

He felt guilty for wanting to rush.

He felt extremely shitty for thinking these things, but that was his... feelings. He just, he wanted to come out. He was eager. He wanted to take the challenge as it came.

Jeongguk didn't know where all the sudden confidence came from, while he hesitated so much to just confess to Taehyung in the past. 

It was as if the tables have turned.




"I need hugs~" Jeongguk whined again for the umpteenth time, and Jimin beside him looked so done, "Not just hugs, I want Tae's hugs!"

The maknae has been asking for his boyfriend's attention and warmth, ever since the next noon—whom he hadn't seen after last night. Since Jimin and Jeongguk had the same schedule, Jimin was driving to the dorm after most of the work was done.

"You'll go to see him, don't worry," the elder said for the umpteenth time, sighing.

"You sound like you're tired of me," Jeongguk mumbled.

"I really am!" He exclaimed, "It's been only two days since I found out that you guys were dating and wow."

"You don't know how it feels like, you're single," the younger scoffed.

"Oh, enlighten me," Jimin said with a bit of sarcastic tone.

"It's... angelic," Jeongguk said, an immediately smile making way to his face, "It's just, no matter how much worries you have, you'll feel like all that disappears into nothing. Just me, and Taehyungie hyung."

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