Chapter 14 : Blush

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Again, a bit longer chapter, enjoy <33

December 25, 2017.

"Not drinks again please."




All the hyungs looked at Jeongguk, remembering how much he drank a few days ago—but the younger didn't seem to notice that. He was busy giggling at his phone looking at a silent video of him and Taehyung goofing around. The others didn't notice that.

Frowning, Taehyung slightly lifted his head even more upwards, peeked into his mobile—only to see what he was seeing. 

Jeongguk and Taehyung laughing and eating ice cream, cracking jokes, during their pre-debut. 

The elder's mind immediately went to that day, more than ever, as if he reliving the young, beautiful memories.

Taehyung's heartbeat quickened at that—amused that Jeongguk actually had that video, after nearly four to five years. And the fact that maknae had the most endearing smile, his nose scrunched above, his eyes crinkled—made his heart flutter even more.

"Why are you looking at me?" Jeongguk asked looking around.

"Never mind," Yoongi sighed.

That was the first time when Taehyung's heart actually skipped a beat. After cuddling all noon with Jeongguk, he realized that his insides were feeling heavy, and his mind wouldn't forget about the soft forehead kiss he have him.

He couldn't believe that Taehyung himself, was about to kiss Jeongguk on the forehead—almost.

Taehyung continued to look at Jeongguk, as the younger just scoffed playfully at what Yoongi said, before looking at his phone. The elder saw Jeongguk lick his bottom lips slightly, chewing on it, with a soft smile, his eyes shining. 

Taehyung found it ethereal.

Jeongguk is really handsome...

He thought, for the first time. Not that he didn't think he was good looking, it was the first time he had noticed him separately—it was the first time that he stood out of the other members for him. It was the first time he saw him a bit different than the others. Just a little bit.

Taehyung saw that Jeongguk lifted his head softly—their eyes meeting.

Taehyung didn't pull away immediately, he looked at him, his heart beating out of his chest, his hands fisting softly. 

As of Jeongguk, he noticed something different in his eyes—he noticed each and every change in Taehyung. He wasn't always like that, now that his feelings towards Taehyung was confirmed for real, Taehyung couldn't hide anything from the maknae. Even Taehyung doesn't know that.

Planning to tease him a bit—

Jeongguk's gaze immediately changed into a hot one, the corner of his lips slightly upwards, seductively. He raised one of his eyebrows, still maintaining direct contact with the elder.

Looking at all this—Taehyung had a feeling that his heart would really burst out of his chest.

A pink shade made way to his cheeks without him knowing and the moment he felt his face warming up, Taehyung looked away immediately, a shy smile adorning his lips.

Jeongguk continued to him, but his expression was turned into surprise and amusement, wide eyed.

Did—Did he just blush? At what I did? Did I just make him shy?

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