[P2] Chapter 49 : Solace

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May 1, 2019. 

(It's basically the continuation of last chapter at first, but it'd be may 1st from the middle of the chapter. Don't hesitate to ask me if you're confused!)

Jeongguk couldn't stop thinking about his small talk with Yoongi hyung, an hour ago. He couldn't sleep, and kept on dwelling on none other than his boyfriend, Taehyung. 

A lot of worries erupted in his mind. Like, what would the latter would be doing that time? Would Taehyung be thinking about him, too? Or would he be asleep? If yes, peacefully, or with nightmares? 

"God, I really hope he doesn't get those nightmares, again," he mumbled softly to himself, before dropping himself on the bed once again, hugging his pillow tightly, with a small sigh leaving his mouth.

The small feeling of guilt, when he couldn't be there with him, was eating him up and somehow, he felt like it was his fault, but at the same time, not. 

Jeongguk, of course, knew how hard it was open up to someone, and he thought that he could understand Taehyung's feelings. But, looking at how he was acting, how he always looked so out of himself, it was really haunting Jeongguk. More than concern, more than just worrying about him, it was something more... he literally feared, why Taehyung was like this. 

And he was suffering personally, seeing his boyfriend suffer badly. 

Jeongguk took his phone, before switching it on, immediately halting when he saw the wallpaper. It was one of the pictures of himself and Taehyung, with the elder one hugging him from the back, with his head tilted, and his face nuzzling across his neck. Jeongguk, in the picture, was caressing the elder's hair, with a huge bunny smile in his face.

(^one of their private collections ;-;)

Jeongguk could literally see the hidden boxy smile of the elder one from the picture, and somehow, it felt like he hadn't seen that exact same one, for the past ten days or so. Of course, he had seen him smile, but that whole hearted, and definitely not with that much happiness. 

"I really wish I could help you, hyungie," he whispered to the photo, before keeping his on the bed upside down, sighing once again, "If you could just tell me how..."

His heart couldn't take it.

He couldn't embrace that heavy feeling he was getting whenever he thought about Taehyung getting hurt, distancing himself from him, and not letting him into his thoughts. 

Jeongguk... simply couldn't take it. 

It was crazy how they craved each other, yet in different places, suffering alone. 

And little did Jeongguk that, Taehyung was slowly getting scared to even try to sleep, fearing that he might get the nightmares once again, where he was alone, with only him and no one else, in the darkness --- and facing the fears that he never knew he had. 

Jeongguk didn't want to think further, and make himself tired early next morning. So, the first thing he did was, slide into Taehyung's contact, before sending him a small, sweet good night message, though he knew it was quite late, and drowning among the bedsheets and pillows, lowkey hoping that he had Taehyung's arms at that moment. 


(It's May first, from now on.)

Taehyung was slowly starting to lose hope, on when Jeongguk's parents would call their son, though he never showed it outside. Meaning, he was trying hard to stay strong for his love, while inside he was breaking himself.

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