[P2] Chapter 45 : Nightmare

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April 22, 2019.

It was almost midnight when both of them went to sleep. And the past hours was one of the best that Taehyung had in the past two days. It was nothing but them lying on the couch lazily, in Taehyung's house, with some movie put on, though neither of them was watching it. Too accustomed with each other's company, nothing else really mattered around them.

Taehyung would be lying if he said that he wasn't feeling better. 

After a busy day, slight headache, and constant mood swings, smiling and laughing with his boyfriend... was a luxury to him. 

Taehyung was sitting on the edge of his room window, looking at the dark night sky. It wasn't any different that night, from any other. The same old moon, shining bright in that enormous sky. 

It was shining perfectly.

But it was lonely.

"What am I thinking?" Taehyung snickered to himself, before closing the curtains and moving towards his bed.

He didn't hesitate to drop himself on it, letting out a prolonged sigh. Hearing the door opening, he didn't really get to see who it was, since he knew it was his boyfriend, because no one else was there.

Both of his parents were visiting Daegu for the time being, and planning to stay there for a few months, so it was just Taehyung there. 

"Tae," the younger one called, earning a small hum from the latter, "We weren't being too suspicious earlier today, right?"

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked, sitting up, with a frown etched across his face. 

"I don't know, manager seemed pretty doubtful to me," he  said, looking at the mirror for once, before sitting on the bed, his head hitting the pillow the next second, "I'm just saying," he mumbled.

Taehyung went into a deep thought hearing that, quicker than expected. Were they really that suspicious?

"Ah, Tae!" He exclaimed, pulling the elder on the bed, beside him, "Don't overthink, it might not be the case. Don't worry," he whispered, the last part, turning to the side, facing the elder one. 

"I hope so," he said, with a small smile, before moving closer embracing the younger one in his arms, his hand moving to his hair, rubbing it softly, "Let's sleep for now?"

"Sure, but I was thinking about coming out to my parents," Jeongguk said, suddenly, making Taehyung nod.

Of course, because they had talked about it a few days ago.

"Maybe tomorrow, or the day after? I'm just making myself ready for whatever their reaction would be," he said, hugging Taehyung back, with his neck on the latter's shoulders. 

"If they didn't accept you, I'll talk to them," Taehyung whispered with his eyes closed, with a playful hint in his voice, making Jeongguk giggle softly, before looking up and placing a lingering kiss on his cheek, before snuggling in his nape. 

"I'm serious though," he whispered once again, "If you're rejected harshly, I'll talk to them as your boyfriend."

Jeongguk's eyes widened.

"You don't have to, Tae," he said, "You're not ready and I know it, don't pressurize yourself because of my-"

"Ggukie," Taehyung cut him off, "We share each other burdens right?"

Jeongguk huffed.

"Now, let's sleep," the elder one said, "Good night."

"Night," Jeongguk said, as both of them closed their eyes, embraced in each other's warmth.

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