Chapter 21 : Sneaky

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I love this chapter so much <33

January 2, 2018.

The next day was pretty much a wrap up of the album preparation—music. 

After their music show last night, all they did was, have a late night practice session for everyone, not long—just an hour or so, and went straight back to the dorm, only to close the day with a nice sleep.

The recordings were complete, the adlibs were done, solo recordings were done too—literally their album was ready, with just the music. All they had to complete was shooting, all the visual things—music videos, teaser, poster, album shooting, post cards, and it goes on. 

The fashion type for this album Love Yourself : Tear, after Her, was already decided by the staffs, discussed with the members and the manager, perfectly. 

There they were, going to the shooting spot—in two different cars. With Jeongguk and Taehyung already whining mentally that they were in separate vehicles. 

They did know that they couldn't be together intimately in front of the cameras, and honestly, Taehyung thought he could manage. After all, they haven't even gone to their first date. It was deep liking against each other, but they didn't know how to label each other.

Friend? Boyfriend? Someone who's just dating and nothing more?

Taehyung didn't know.

He shook his head slightly, telling himself not to overthink about things, and just—go for work without any other distractions.

I said I'll take him on a date—let's think about first. After work.

He thought to himself, as he looked at the moving trees and buildings through the black tinted windows, sitting beside their manager, with Hoseok, Namjoon and Jin behind him.




"Why is Jeongguk so silent today?" Yoongi asked, frowning.

Jeongguk didn't even listen what the other was talking. He stared at him, mentally having an argument with him regarding how he should act with Taehyung before cameras. Just casual like always, a bit intimate, or ignore?

I can't ignore him, who am I kidding?

Jeongguk sighed softly, his mind going to the time when Taehyung asked him out on a date. His heart picked up pace at that—he couldn't wait for it. 

"Ah, concentrate today," he told himself.

Jimin and Yoongi looked at him—nothing much. They had a bit of confused expression on their faces, as to why he ignored Yoongi and then, the next thing they knew, Jeongguk was talking to himself. 

"Gguk, you okay?" Yoongi asked, grabbing his shoulders.

"Huh? What did you say?" He asked, coming out of his trance.

"Never mind," Jimin said—Jeongguk nodding at that, before turning to the window again.

Going deep in thoughts again, about a specific male—loving the giddy feeling inside him all throughout. He smiled automatically, at the thought of date, as he started fiddling his fingers together. His mind screamed one thing—and that's Taehyungie hyung.


It all went perfectly well in the starting. 

It was still well—except that both Taehyung and Jeongguk were glaring at each other's direction. 

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