Chapter 31 : Jealousy

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January 21, 2018.

 It was natural for the leader to be worried.

Not only as the leader, as the mentor of their group, publicity and stuff, but as a hyung for both of the younger members. Of course, he had a concerned thought about what would happen to the seven of them in their career, and how would this relationship affect their image, but the first priority was how... how would both of them manage to have a relationship right now.

He even more worried because it was of same sex, with the homophobic nature in Korea, he was concerned about their future.

"Hyung?" He heard a sudden voice from the dark, making him turn towards the staircase.

Namjoon, who was lying on the couch past midnight, frowned at the familiar voice, wondering what Jeongguk would be doing out this late.

"Jeongguk? What are doing not sleeping?" He asked, sitting up, with a soft yawn leaving his mouth.

The maknae came into the dim light from the darkness, with sheepish smile on his face, as he sat beside Namjoon, not really saying anything at first.

"I was with... Taehyungie hyung... so, just now going to my room," he said.

"You spent the night with him?" Namjoon blinked, "Oh my god, you guys already—"

"No, no, hyung! We were just talking... and stuff," Jeongguk refused immediately, his ears turning into a reddish hue as he imagined what the latter was talking about.

"Just talking?"

"Maybe more, but we didn't have sex!" The younger suddenly exclaimed, causing Namjoon to literally choke slightly.

"Shh! It's midnight, if you don't remember, don't shout," he said, shaking his head, "But if you're in Tae's room, why wake up and go to yours in the middle of the night? It's affecting your sleep too, and it's bad..."

"Ah, that... I woke up just like that, it became a habit. When you guys didn't know about our relationship, you know, to not get caught. It's just a habit...," Jeongguk shrugged, as he took a deep sigh, before leaning back against the couch back.

"I see," the elder whispered out, "But... How'd you—wait, first of all, I'm really proud of you."

"Thanks, hyung," he said chuckling, "Somehow I feel like I could've done better... I don't know, it was hard. And I'm not sure if I handled it well," he stated, suddenly turning serious, remembering the night he drunk so badly, the number of meaningless arguments with Taehyung and the amount of tears he spilled regarding this.

"I don't know what's going to happen, now, actually. I found out that I liked boys, as I found Tae attractive... He confessed to me, we're together. Aside from that, I don't know anything about our future," Jeongguk said, with a heavy voice and Namjoon couldn't even interject him, "I really like him, and the thing we have between us, is not something like a fling. So, I don't know what we'll do... when we reach... the age of—"

"Yeah, it's understandable," Namjoon said, "I didn't even expect this... I'm not even kidding."

"That's good, then," Jeongguk said, playfully.

"Whatever you say," the elder rolled his eyes.

"No, Tae really wasn't ready. Only I know how much he freaked out when Jimin hyung caught us in the middle of the night," the younger sighed, "I'm glad it turned out good, though. Except that... Yoongi hyung sounded a bit salty."

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