[P2] Chapter 44 : Interview

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April 21, 2019.

Behind the stage.

All seven were off screen, with no cameras around them, getting ready for one of the interviews they were supposed to do. Just the usual schedule with a public interview added to it. 

Jimin was busy in his phone, all his concentration on what he was doing. If someone who doesn't know him saw him, they might've thought that Jimin was doing some really important job, but in all reality, he was just playing video games. 

His mic attached to his ear, his eyebrows were pointed to the center in full focus, as he biting his bottom lip now and then, when the game got a bit critical. It was cute, indeed, but not when they were at work. 

"Jimin-ah!" He heard a familiar voice call him, but that didn't divert him from the game, as he just nodded his head to himself, not even looking up where the other was. 

Not a single moment later, something came flying towards his direction, hitting Jimin straight on his chest, that notebook colliding his body, making Jimin drop his phone in an impulse. He blinked for a few seconds right after, trying to process what the hell just happened, as he slowly looked above, only to see Taehyung's slightly widened eyes looking right back at him. 

"I swear, if it's broken," Jimin started, smiling sweetly at him before bending down and picking up his phone.

And who knew what good deed Taehyung did, the phone hadn't got a crack. 

Jimin heard the latter sigh in relief, as he eyed him once again, before looking at his phone, scanning properly whether it had any damage or not. 

"It's nothing, right?" Taehyung asked once more, moving towards the other, taking his phone from Jimin's hand.

"You're saved today," Jimin stated, letting out a sigh, "But I was in middle of a game!" 

"Right, we have to go in ten minutes now," Taehyung rolled his eyes slightly, before returning his phone back, "You would've stopped it anyways, so what's the big deal?"

"Yeah, I guess," he responded, keeping his phone on the table, before looking at Taehyung again. 

"Anyways, let's go the waiting room-"

"Hey, just a second," Jimin cut the other off, squinting his eyes slowly observing the other's face carefully. Taehyung leaned back slightly, when Jimin leaned in, taking a closer look at his best friend. 

"Did you sleep last night?" He asked, "Or today morning? Or did you eat something heavy recently?"

"Japchae," he said, shrugging.

"I knew it, your face is so bloated," he commented, pinching both of his cheeks softly, making Taehyung scrunch his nose up.

"I just did my makeup, go away," Taehyung said, earning a nod from the latter, before snickering and retreating his hand softly, "But is it too bloated? Should I cover up some more with foundation-"

"No no, it's fine," Jimin reassured immediately, "It's not that noticeable, don't worry."

"You sure?" He asked, to which the other nodded without a doubt.

Taehyung nodded back, feeling a bit relaxed since it wasn't that showable. Even Jimin didn't know that the latter didn't really get much sleep, both during the night and in the morning, and something in Taehyung didn't want anyone to know. Sure, he did felt guilty for not telling to Jimin, but he didn't want anyone to know, because... he was a bit uneasy talking about.

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