[P2] Chapter 58 : Ignored

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June 17, 2019.

Though it was true that Jeongguk and Taehyung had been a bit reassured because of the night spent a week ago, it was sad that they haven't seen each other much after that. There wouldn't be much time usually, now that their career and fame grew thousand times bigger than it was before, but they made sure that they were talking via phone or texts. But it was even more difficult now that Taehyung had therapy sessions almost thrice or four times a week.

And the times where he wasn't meeting Jiyeon, he would go somewhere else, for an hour drive, far away from where he was living, just to... make himself feel better.

If it was anything that Taehyung learned after seeing a doctor, it was that others don't find happiness for you. And that was how he picked up the habit of spending time on himself, making himself feel better, spending hours in shower and making himself look good.

He was slowly reaching the goal of loving himself again, which was really good. But there was one thing that he wasn't realizing. While taking care and trying to love himself more, he completely forgot that he was ignoring Jeongguk completely. Nor did he realize that it had been two weeks since he even talked to him.

And the times where he wasn't meeting Jiyeon, he would go somewhere else, for an hour drive, far away from where he was living, just to... make himself feel better.

If it was anything that Taehyung learned after seeing a doctor, it was that others don't find happiness for you. And that was how he picked up the habit of spending time on himself, making himself feel better, spending hours in shower and making himself look good.

He was slowly reaching the goal of loving himself again, which was really good. But there was one thing that he wasn't realizing. While taking care and trying to love himself more, he totally forgot that he was ignoring Jeongguk completely. Nor did he realize that it had been two weeks since he even talked to him.

It was in the evening when Taehyung returned to the dorm.

He just returned from meeting Jiyeon noona, so his mind was full of the conversation they just had. It was quite deep, as he absent-mindedly kicked off his shoes, before keeping his car keys in place.

"Taehyung, you're finally here," Namjoon sighed looking at the younger one, capturing Taehyung's attention, as he frowned at that statement.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He muttered, looking at the hyungs one by one.

"Have you seen Jeongguk?" Namjoon asked.

"He must be here or in his house, why are you asking me that?" He asked, totally confused on what was going on.

"He hasn't contacted any of us since the day before yesterday, so I thought you would know," he said, "You know that he wasn't at the company all day yesterday, I thought he would've said something to you, no?"

Taehyung just blinked. He didn't say anything at that, as he took his phone almost immediately, checking if there were any messages from his boyfriend. And there was. But none of them were recent, all were sent two or three days ago.

Taehyung gulped when he realized that he had been ignoring Jeongguk so badly, without even knowing.

"Tae?" Namjoon asked.

"I- No, he didn't tell me anything," he whispered, shoving his phone back down in his pocket and before anyone could respond to that, he hurried to his room upstairs. Taehyung could hear Namjoon calling his name, but he didn't bother responding, as he closed the door shut, locking it from inside. 

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