Chapter 35 : Clingy

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February 13, 2018.

I love you.

How can those mere three words, could be this dangerous to one's heart? Jeongguk was wondering the same thing. The sunrays were making Taehyung look even more handsome than he already was, as the younger just looked at him, just admired him and nothing else. 

The past days have been real hard on both of them, and Jeongguk was more than guilty. It was their fate... and he couldn't do anything about it. It was hard controlling themselves in front of anybody, and it was not pretty. 

He had been thinking why it has to be that hard. Why doesn't gay love or homosexuality has been legalized in Korea? He had spent days thinking on it, and dwelling on it, only to give up because... that wasn't getting them anywhere. 

It was as if they should be thankful with what they have now.

Of course Jeongguk was, but it was natural for them to think that they wanted to be open and do things in front of anyone. 

"Jeonggukie?" He heard the latter call out groggily, making him smile immediately. 

"Good morning," the younger whispered, nudging their noses together, "I love you."

Taehyung laughed out loud, with his eyes still partially closed.

"I love you too," he said anyways, making Jeongguk stare at him one more time.

"God, I'm never going to get used to us saying I love you to each other," he beamed, ruffling the other's hair softly, caressing the bangs sideways. 

"Me neither," he said, "I love you."

"Oh my god," Jeongguk squealed under his breath, before hugging the other so tightly, that Taehyung almost choked. 

He nevertheless smiled, as he positioned himself, so that Jeongguk was lying on top of him before hugging him back. They were just in each other's arms, their heartbeats in sync with each other. 

A few seconds later-

"Ew, what the hell is that smell?" Jeongguk breathed out, his nose crunching up in disgust.

Taehyung blinked, before grimacing himself, but before he could figure what that smell was, Jeongguk's face changed in realization as he slowly got himself off his boyfriend.

"Oh," he muttered, "We didn't wash up last night."

"Uh...," Taehyung voiced out, not knowing what to say to that, as he tried to move, "My ass hurts, too. What do I do?"

"Sorry, baby," Jeongguk giggled slightly, pecking his forehead softly, "I love you so much-"

"That's sweet and all, I love you too so much, but we smell right now, it's disgusting, and I can't move!" Taehyung cut the other off, looking down at their naked bodies. 

"Let's go wash up, then," Jeongguk laughed, as he got up from the bed, tying a towel around his torso, as he went to the other side of the bed, looking at his boyfriend with whipped eyes, "Come on," he said, before leaning down, lifting the other by holding his body, causing Taehyung to wrap his legs around Jeongguk's waist in reflex. 

"That... hurt," Taehyung said, making a fake crying expression, "Didn't you go too fast on me for our first time, Jeon?"

"What do you mean? I made sure that you were comfortable and okay with whatever we were doing," Jeongguk pouted, as he adjusted his boyfriend in his arms, making sure that he wouldn't fall, "I didn't go fast, I was just right. Your words, not mine!"

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