[P2] Chapter 64 : The Talk

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6K special!! I know it's not much but I'm happy anyways! I wasn't planning on updating but it's a thank you to everyone who's still reading this!

June 26, 2019. 

Taehyung looked at the 'imaginary' Jeongguk, with a longing expression on his face. Tears came from his eyes non-stop, as he had a sad smile on his face. Jeongguk was standing there awestruck with the sight in front of him, and not in a good way. He gulped when he felt a small tug in his heart when he found the love of his life in that condition.

"I wish you heard me out," he started weakly, "I was so ready to tell you. But- Ah, what am I even telling you? It's not like the real Jeongguk is gonna hear all these," Taehyung said, giving up, before looking down to his lap and sniffling.

"Taehyung...," Jeongguk whispered softly, his eyes widened when the realization of what he had done sank in him slowly, part by part. How could he even think about breaking up with Taehyung, how could he let his anger get the best of him? All along, Jeongguk thought that he was the only one suffering, but there Taehyung was, suffering ten times more than Jeongguk himself. Maybe even more.

How could he do that to Taehyung? To his baby?

On the other hand, Taehyung froze when he heard Jeongguk speak. He really thought that he was only imagining things out of his own sadness and grief, he really didn't expect for Jeongguk to actually come there. He slowly lifted his head once again, his eyes filled with a lot of emotions mixed together, only to look at Jeongguk looking right back at him with half-filled teary eyes.

That was when Jeongguk saw that pooling in Taehyung's eyes.


"Taehyungie, I-"

Jeongguk started but stopped himself, when he didn't know what to say that would possibly convince him. The maknae thought that it was completely his fault for not acknowledging the latter and acting on his own, whereas Taehyung figured the whole situation as his fault, meaning they were just blaming each other on the inside, without saying anything out loud.

Both their eyes didn't leave each other, and Taehyung didn't know what came over him, as he choked out another silent sob, biting his lips harshly that it was so close to bleeding, and it broke Jeongguk's already hurting self. Taehyung slowly got up from where he was sitting, going towards Jeongguk, and before the younger one could do anything, Taehyung snuck his arms around his torso, burying his head on his neck.

This action obviously surprised Jeongguk, as he looked down at Taehyung, seeing him pout slightly with tears in the brim of his eyes, red nose and swollen lips, from biting it too much.

"Hold me, please," he whispered, his pout deepening while a tear left his right eye.

Jeongguk didn't hesitate to bring Taehyung closer to him, by wrapping his arms around Taehyung's shoulders, and the second he did that, he heard the older one's muffled cry, that made Jeongguk drown in guilt all over again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm s-sorry," Taehyung chanted slowly under his breath, and Jeongguk couldn't get teary at that once again, "I'm really sorry that I hid everything f-from you-"

"It's okay, baby," Jeongguk cut him off, "I forgive you, it's not your fault," he said immediately, bending down slightly, moving his hands to his thighs, picking him up swiftly.

Taehyung sniffled once again.

"I-It is my fault, and I hate being like this, always crying," he muttered under his breath, nevertheless loved how Jeongguk embraced him in his arms.

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