Chapter 14

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-Liz's POV-

I wake up and get out of bed, getting dressed and putting on my shoes. I look at myself and smile, putting on my makeup and walking to the bunks. I skip Corey and climb onto his bed, barely seeing Sid. I reach up and poke his side, making him stir and go back to sleep.

"Sid," I say, him groaning and rolling over to see me. He opens his eyes and takes a sharp inhale, raising his eyebrows.

"Time for the signing," I say, making him jump out of bed and get dressed. 

He puts on one of my coveralls and his mask, hitting Shawn with his pillow to wake him up. Meanwhile, I step down and bend my knees, putting my cold fingers on his neck. He jumps out of bed and goes turtle mode, mumbling something about my cold fingers and getting in his coveralls and mask. We all step off the bus and start walking to the signing, the others catching up to us.

Craig runs to me and walks next to me, telling me about how cool my shoes are.

"Thanks, they were a gift from one of the fans. To be honest, they're the most cool, but not weird enough," I say, making him raise his eyebrows.


"Yes really. I have some weird ones from those fans. Don't worry, I'll wear more of them," I say, patting his shoulder. 

I've never really noticed, but he never speaks to me or anyone else. If he doesn't speak to his wife, I'll be surprised. We arrive and step in, sitting down in our spots and getting ready. Especially me, since I see a lot of people waving to me and jumping up and down to see me better. How do I know? They're ignoring the others waving, and when I wave, they freak out. The security guard opens the doors and they all flood in, about half of them walking to me.

"Um, hi," a woman wearing a thigh-length red tight dress and 4 inch red heels.

"Hi. I love the shoes," I say, her smiling.

"I love yours. I wanted to give you my past career's shoes because I have no use for them and you could use them," she says, crouching down and setting the box by my feet, admiring my shoes as well. She stands back up and waves to me, walking out.

"Who was that," Corey asks, leaning over to me.

"I have no idea. She didn't give a name," I say, going back to signing. About 10 minutes pass and another couple walks up to me, both pretty shy.

"Uh, hi, I'm Clara and this is my girlfriend Amanda," the girl says, gesturing to Amanda, who's slimming her eyes at Corey. Corey flips her off and she gives it back, her middle fingernail showing his number in red.

"So, first we love your shoes, they're so awesome, and second, we would like to give you this," Clara says, setting Slipknot shoes and a hoodie on the table in a clear box, tied up with a black and red ribbon.

"Aw, thank you," I say, signing their hats with a silver sharpie and waving to them as they walk out. 

I get back to signing and soon, there's another person, holding only a packed envelope sealed with a tribal S sticker. I take it and they set a picture of me hugging Corey while Corey flips the camera off, wanting me to sign it. I sign it on the other side of the picture by Corey's signature and slide it back to the person.

"Lorey forever," they say, walking out. I look at Corey and he sighs, shaking his head.

"Lorey? Explain," I say, him smiling a little.

"Later. It's complicated," he says, a girl, probably 10 or 11, with her mom walking to me.

"This is Lily," the mom says, holding the girl's hand.

"Hello Lily," I say, the girl hiding behind her mom.

"She's scary," she says, only half of her face showing.

"She's shy," the mom says, me laughing and holding out two things for the girl to take; a lollipop and Slipknot's album, signed by me.

"I want you to take these two things and hold them close if you feel scared. Listen to this album if you're scared or mad or nervous, and always keep this lollipop in your hand or pocket wherever you go. Hold it if you get scared, and remember this; no matter how mad you are, how scared you are, how nervous you are, it'll be okay," I say, the girl taking the two things as I speak. She looks at me and gestures me to come here. I comply and bend my knees, her hugging me around the neck.

"Thank you," she says, the mom wiping her eyes in a resemblance to something heartfelt. The girl lets go and waves to me, holding the lollipop in her hand and walking out with her mom, who puts the album in her purse.

"That was," Corey starts, making me glare at him.

"Don't," I say.

"Adorable," he finishes, making me roll my eyes and smile under my mask. We go back to signing and by the end, there's a 6-ish year old girl pushing a tall box and nodding as a hi to Corey when she gets to me.

"Hi, I just want to give you these. Wear them wisely, they can probably kill you," she says, putting the box at the end of the table.

"Thanks," I say in a questioning tone.

"Nothing to worry about," she says, patting the top of the box and smiling.

"Nothing? You said they can kill me," I say, her laughing and walking out.

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