Chapter 2

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"I'm okay," I say, him believing me.

I sit down and look at the stars, seeing a few constellations and the darkness of the night. I hear the talking of the other men and Jim sits beside me, starting a conversation with me and making me laugh. To be honest, I'm really glad Corey told Jim to come with when he left Stone Sour. 

---time skip---

I look up to the sky and I see the sunrise. Gasping and standing I remember I have to be home before the sun rises. I run home and open the door, Arron standing in front of it with a furious look. Before I could say anything, he pulls me in and closes the door, me getting ready for the beating.

"Where were you," he asks a little too calmly.

"I was with some of my girl friends," I say, him grabbing my chin harshly and forcing my face up.

"Where did you go," he asks.

"I went to one of their houses," I say, him letting go and walking away. I exhale the breath I held and go to the bathroom, closing the door and walking to the mirror.

'Come on, it won't hurt'

'It's only for a few seconds, then it's over'

'It'll all be over if you just do it'

"No, I won't," I say, turning on the tap and washing off my makeup. 

The black eye's gotten worse and my nose is stuffy from the bloody nose. I put on more makeup and walk out, wanting to leave, but I know I can't. I walk into the living room and he glances at me, a scowl on his face.

"What," he asks coldly.

"C-can I go outside today," I ask.



"I said no. And that's final."

"But I-"

That's when he snapped. 

He stands up and grabs some of my hair, dragging me to the kitchen. He throws me to the floor and I fall flat, hitting the back of my head. He grabs my friendship necklace and rips it off, breaking it and throwing it across the room. 

He holds me down when I try to get up, and he brings down his foot on my ribs, feeling one cracking. The pain was unbearable, but I kept my cries in. He grabs my neck and digs his nails in, breaking my skin and making the blood run down my neck. He then lets go and pushes me to the ground, walking away. 

I stagger to my feet and pick up the necklace, no pieces missing, but the lobster claw that holds it together broke. I can easily fix it, but I need to get out of the house before he snaps again. I open the door and grab my coat, limping away onto the sidewalk. I couldn't breathe from the broken rib, and I hold the place where he stomped on me.

I limp to one of my girl friend's, Claire's, houses and knock on the door, her opening it and looking at me up and down.

"Come in," she says, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and closing the door with her foot. She helps me to the couch and I lay down, her getting her camera.

"You need to break up with him," she says, taking a wet rag and wiping off my makeup gently.

"I can't. He'll find me and kill me, I know it," I say, not wanting to breathe.

"Come on, what did he do," she asks.

"Taking pictures? Is it a fetish to see wounds," I ask, her smiling.

"When he finally goes to jail, I'll have the evidence," she says, me rolling my eyes and standing, lifting my shirt and showing her my two bruises on my back. She takes pictures of them and I lift up my shirt in the front, covering my bra with my hand and her taking a picture of the bruise.

"That's also a broken rib," I say, her shaking her head.

"He's killing you," she says, me pulling my sweatshirt down and showing the nail marks. She takes pictures of both sides and taking a picture of my black eye.

"I also had a bloody nose," I say, her sighing.

"Have you told anyone else," she asks, setting the camera down.

"No," I say.

"Not even Shawn? I know you two are close," she says, me shaking my head.

"I'm not telling any of those boys about this, otherwise they'll become overprotective and beat the shit out of Arron," I say, her smiling.

"Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe that asshole needs a beating, just to feel how you feel every day," she says, taking my hands.

"He'll never learn what it feels like," I say, looking down.

"He may not, but he will feel what jail's like," she says, pulling me into a gentle hug. I hug her and I keep my tears in, telling her I need to leave to see the guys.

"Stay here, I need to see if you're okay all the time," she says, me shaking my head.

"I said I would hang out with them today," I say, walking to the door.

"Okay," she says, letting me go.

I walk back to our spot and take another deer trail, seeing no one there yet. Probably because I'm early. I see a wheelbarrow and climb in it, putting my feet on the part where the handles are and leaning back, putting my hands on my broken rib and closing my eyes. Apparently, I fell asleep and the guys tried to wake me up and found my bruises on my back from me turning and pulling my shirt up.

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