Chapter 92

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"Wake up mom," Sakari says, sniffing my eyelashes.

"Sakari, it's," I check the time on my clock, "6 am. Why are you up?"

"To go walking," she says. I scratch between her ears and she closes her eyes, smiling.

"Okay, but only because you're so cute," I say. She sniffs my wrist and looks at me, her eyes big.

"I'm okay Sakari. Let's go for that walk," I say. She helps get my legs on and I leave Sid to sleep some more, leaving a note on his forehead. I walk down the stairs with her and she grabs her leash, walking to me with it in her mouth.

"Thanks," I say, clipping it on her. I put my shoes on and open the door, walking with her down the desolate sidewalk. She talks about the guys and it being really quiet downstairs, and missing me being downstairs.

"Why aren't you downstairs," she asks.

"Because hon, the guys don't want me hurting myself after what happened. They're looking out for me and I'm sure you love that, don't you," I ask, hearing her make a husky noise. I pet her back and feel her needing a brushing from her playing in the dirt and dust outside.

"You need a bath, Sakari," I say, hearing her make another husky noise.

"You want a bath hon," I ask in a higher pitch.

"Yah," she says, shaking her whole backside.

"Then lets go give you one," I say. She turns back and starts running, making me run with her. I stumble a little, but I keep up the pace. Instead of going inside, she decides to have a hose-bath. I don't mind it actually, but when she shakes herself I get soaked.

"You stay out here while I change," I say. 

I walk back inside and take her leash with me, hanging it up by the door as I walk by. I walk into my room and Sid sits up, rubbing his eyes with his hands. I pick out short-shorts and a tank top, turning to Sid.

"Cover your eyes," I say. He does and I change, taking off my socks on my feet.

"I'm giving Sakari a bath. You-"

"Say no more. I'll help," he says. 

Before I could finish my cut off sentence, he walks out and into his room. I shrug and walk back outside, seeing Craig playing with Sakari. He throws the ball and she runs after it, catching it in mid-air. I stand next to him and put a hand on his shoulder, making him jump.

"How the tables have turned," I say. 

Sakari gives me the ball and I throw it far, her running after it. She brings it back along with the hose and I take both, giving her the ball. I turn the hose on and she stands under the stream, Craig backing up in case she shakes. Sid walks out and sets her brush and coat products on the grass, petting her head.

"You know the drill," I say, handing him the hose.

-after bath-

We're all soaking wet since all of us decided to have a little water slide in the backyard, and Rick joined in since he came to check on me. Sakari even joined in on the water slide, and she loved it. I stand up and shake my head, Sid sliding down and impacting with my ankles. I fall and land on my ass, laughing along with Sid. I stand again and help him up, hugging him.

"Gang way," Corey says, sliding to us. We jump back and he slides between us, going onto the grass. We had put a few tarps down to make us slide better, and boy does it work.

"This is the best," Sid exclaims. We go back to the top and Sid slides down, Joey looking at it. He's the only one who hasn't gone yet, but I'm going to change that.

"Hey Joey," I say. He looks at me and I take his hand, sliding down with him.


"Liz, are you awake," Corey asks. I open my eyes and turn over to my other side, reaching out for the lamp. Corey takes my hand instead and puts both hands on it.

"I'm awake," I say.

"Can I," he starts. 

I know what he means and I pat the open space beside me, hearing him walk over to it. He climbs in and I can smell not as much Jack Daniels on his breath, but enough to get him drunk. He sits beside me and I sit up, my eyes adjusting to see him.

"I know this sounds childish, but I had a bad dream," he says.

"Do you want to tell me about it," I ask, seeing him nod. I had good night-vision, so I could see his silhouette because of the windows.

---time skip---

He tells me about the dream and I hug him, now sitting in front of him. He hugs me and we stay like that for a few seconds, my eyelids getting heavy. They eventually shut and I fall asleep in Corey's hug, hearing his heartbeat as I rest my ear on his chest.

-Corey's POV-

She falls asleep in my hug and rests herself against me, making me sleepy. I let go and lay her under the covers, pulling them over her. I brush her hair out of her face and look at her, guilt washing over me for what I said to her.

"I'm sorry, Liz. I'm sorry for everything," I say. 

I walk back to my room and climb into my own bed, still guilty about what I said. I blacked out before that, about 2 or so hours, but I thought I passed out and stayed on the couch or floor or wherever I was. I guess my mind had other thoughts.

I'm Sorry- A Slipknot StoryWhere stories live. Discover now