Chapter 54

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Corey had finally got up from the bathroom floor and drank the tea, even though he kept saying he hates tea with a passion. The others couldn't go home, so they passed out all over the first floor. Corey ended up passing out on the couch after I had walked him in the living room. (That is all. Back to the regularly scheduled trash.)

I walk down silently and see the absolute mess everyone's made, but I'm not mad. I like cleaning when no one's telling me to do it, so I like cleaning this. I get a trash bag and start picking up bottles, cans, everything that was on the floor that shouldn't be. I tie the bag and put it on the sun porch, going back and looking at the position of everyone.

The girls are peacefully sleeping in a huddle to keep warm on one side of the living room, while the guys are sprawled out all over the first floor. I think Joey managed to find a way to sleep in the cabinets in the kitchen.

Corey's passed out on the couch where I had walked him to.

Shawn's face-down on the floor with one hand above his head.

Paul's on the dining table, stretched out across it and lying on his back. He kind of reminds me of a roast pig.

Chris' sprawled on the last steps of the stairs, looking like he fell down them and stayed there.

Craig looks like he's dead. He's passed out on the floor with his arms on either side of him, straight and as stiff as a board.

I walk into the kitchen and open one of my cabinets, seeing no Joey. I shrug and close it, putting two slices of bread in the toaster and pushing the lever down. I walk to the fridge and open it, seeing no Joey even though he could easily fit in there. 

I shrug and get out the eggs, jelly and bacon, deciding to make a simple breakfast for everyone. I set the things down and walk to the laundry room that's connected to the bathroom by a little hallway and a door to the bathroom. 

I open the washing machine a dryer, seeing Joey in the dryer on top of my clothes. I'm surprised, but not very surprised he can fit in there.

I walk to the bathroom and open the door, seeing Sid sprawled out on the sink. It's a moderately long sink and counter, but not long enough for me to do whatever Sid's doing. His face's in the sink, his right arm over the counter and his fingers resting on the drawer handle, his other arm's resting on the faucet and handles, his right leg's hanging over the sink while the other's hanging on for dear life to the other side of the counter.

I look over to the shower and Jim's laying face-down with his legs folded at the knees and pushed up to the point of making him look like a scorpion because his legs are curved at the hips. His hands are gripping the other wall, his palms pressing on the wall tiles.

I silently walk out and get my camera, taking pictures of the living room, Chris on the stairs, Paul on the table, Joey in the dryer, Sid on the sink and counter and Jim passed out in the shower. Sounds weird, I know.

'But that only leaves Mick,' I tell myself, looking all around for him. 

I eventually find him in the guest room with Sakari curled up on his chest. I take a picture of that and walk back down the stairs, avoiding Chris and silently jumping down to the floor. I walk back to the kitchen and start to make breakfast, being as silent as possible.

---time skip---

The girls smelled the eggs, so they decided to help out and make the other things plus coffee for the guys.

"So, where's the guys," Scarlett asks.

"Well, Chris' on the stairs, Paul's on the dining table, Mick's in the guest room with Sakari, Shawn's in the living room, Corey's also in the living room, Craig's in the living room as well, Joey's in the dryer, Sid's on the sink and counter in the bathroom and Jim's passed out on the shower floor," I say, the girls silently laughing.

"Show us," Evangeline says. I show them the guys and they silently laugh their asses off, especially when I open the dryer to show Joey. I lead them upstairs to the guest room and show them Mick, making Stacey 'aww' at him and Sakari.

"This is why I love him. He looks super tough and metal, but he's just a teddy bear in real life," she says, Sakari waking up and jumping off his chest. 

She runs to me and I make the signal to go downstairs with me, and she does. I walk down the stairs and jump over Chris, the other girls doing it as well. Sakari, though, steps on his shoulder, walks down his chest and down his leg, jumping down at his ankle.

"I thought she would step on his valuables like most puppies do," Melissa says, making me silently laugh.

"I've trained Sakari to do many things and not to do many things," I say, the guys starting to wake up. 

First, I hear a shriek from Sid, then panic from Joey, then groaning from the guys in the living room, then a thump from Chris from falling down the rest of the stairs, then Mick walking down the stairs. It was like music to my ears.

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