Chapter 90

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"Liz? Are you okay? Please answer me," Jim says. He's been trying to get me to talk about what happened, but I went into a state of almost paralyzation. I didn't speak or move. I just sat there, trying not to burst into tears.

"Please Liz, you're scaring me. I don't want you to be like this," he says. 

I stand up and walk past him, going to my room. Corey's right. I'm dragging them down; and like Spit It Out says in the end, I need to be sliced out. I go to the kitchen and pick out a knife, it being a sharp one to be efficient. I walk past the guys and hide the knife, hearing Shawn and Chris trying to get Corey to speak too. I guess both of us went over the edge, but in different ways.

I walk into my room and sit on the floor, leaving my door open. The guys can try to stop me, but I've made up my mind. I'm dying today, and there's no way around it. I push up my sleeves and put the knife to my wrist, feeling numb inside. I don't think twice and cut my wrist deep, seeing dark blood coming out. I quickly cut the other and lean against the wall, seeing the little girl walk in.

"Oh no," she says. She runs out and I feel weak, my eyelids getting heavy. I pass out before I hear anyone come to get me.

-Sid's POV-

Sakari runs to me and grabs my shirt, tugging it.


"No! Come with! It's Liz," she barks. Oh no. I run inside and up the stairs, seeing her door open. I rush in and the first thing I see is her blood beside her wrist. I drop to my knees and cover her wrist with my hand, taking her other one and doing the same.

"Guys! Come up here," I yell down the hall. Sakari pulls two guys up and they look in, Joey dropping beside her and holding her other wrist. Paul gets the first aid kit in her bathroom. I hope I was in time.

--lil' time skip--

I sit criss-crossed where her legs should be, but I took them off so she could rest better. Joey stands beside her and looks down at her pale face, his mouth pulled into a thin line. Paul's leaning on the doorframe, watching us like a father.

"Why would she do this," I ask. The two have washed their hands to get her blood off, but I haven't.

"Corey must've said something to her that made her think like this," Joey says.

"I just don't think he could've said anything this bad. He loves her like a sister; we all do. Why would he say something that would make her want to kill herself," I ask.

"He's drunk. He doesn't think straight when he's drunk. Maybe she told him something that she didn't tell us and he used that against her," he tries to explain. He's explaining it more for himself than me, because I already know what happened.

"I'll keep an eye on her while you two go back downstairs," I say. 

I don't want to leave her, not after what happened. Joey goes protective and refuses to leave, but Paul drags him away. He closes the door and I lay down next to Liz, putting some of her hair behind her ear. I cuddle up to her and close my eyes, hearing her shallow breaths through her slightly open mouth. I guess I fell asleep, because when I open my eyes, Joey's walking in with her pain meds and a glass of water.

"What time is it," I ask, sitting up.

"It's close to 7 at night," he says.

"You think she's going to wake up soon," I ask.

"Probably not. She's lost a lot of blood, so she'll be out for probably all of tomorrow," Joey says, looking at her face.

"Do you think she'll be okay," I ask, making him smile.

"If she's the Liz we know, she'll act like it was a scratch," he says. He makes himself leave and closes the the door, leaving me with Liz. I lay down again and close my eyes, falling asleep again. What can I say? Her bed's so comfortable and even if she was awake she would still let me do this.


-Liz's POV-

I wake up and try to sit up, but Sid pushes me back down. He must've slept next to me because it looked like he just woke up as well.

"Just rest, please," he says.

"I'm fine Sid. Really," I say. He shakes his head and keeps me there by wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"You may be as stubborn as an old German woman, but you need to rest. It's the only way you can get better," he says.

"You may be right, but I need to get up. It's the only way I don't go crazy," I say.

"Do you really want to go downstairs where Corey is? How bold of you," he says. I think about it and shake my head, making Sid smile.

"Not really. Besides, it'll be better for him for me to stay up here. Otherwise he's going to taste blood from his teeth getting knocked out," I say.

"You can beat the daylights out of him tomorrow, but today you're recovering," Sid says.

"Can I at least take my meds and sit up," I ask. He lets me do so and he brings his book and one for me, sitting beside me on my bed.


Oh the drama! The cringey drama! It's like I needed drama to be in the Estate. But holy hell, chapter 90. I may or may not be going overboard with it, but fuck it! My story is the worst thing and I'll make it the worst. 

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