Chapter 100

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-Sept. 22; Paris-

"Hey Sid," I say into the phone.

"Hey, where are you? Surely your house isn't that loud," he says. 

"I just got off the plane I was taking to Paris to meet Bruce's groomsmen and family," I say. I get a cab and tell him where to go, talking with Sid.

"You're kidding," he says.

"Nope. Look, I'll meet you on October 23rd, that's when you're coming to Paris," I say.

"Can you come with," he asks.

"Sorry Sid, but no. I'll be here until the end of the part, and then I might go to Iowa for the Canada part and Big Day Out part after this," I say.

"Do you have to," he asks.

"Yes Sid, I have to," I say.

"It's so boring after shows now, and I can't give you hugs after them either," he says.

"Have the fans wondered," I ask.

"Yeah. Now they're giving me your presents for safe keeping and now I have a bunch of stuff for you from the maggots," he says.

"Great. Glad they're not halting their giving even when I'm gone," I say as I get out.

"Hey, I gotta go. Say hi to the guys for me," I say.

"Have fun," Sid says.

"Back at 'cha," I say, hanging up.

-after meeting the family-

"Where are you staying," Bruce asks.

"I was thinking with you," I admit.

"Perfect, because I would never let you sleep in a hotel," he says. 

He walks with me to his house and it's amazing; three stories with an attic. He leads me in and it's even more beautiful inside than out. He leads me up the stairs and shows me the guest room if I'm not comfortable spending the night in his room.

"I can share a bed with you. We're about to get married, I think I can handle it," I say.

"If you say so. You can put your bag in the closet, I'll be in the living room," he says, kissing the top of my head after. I put my bag in the closet and look at the bed, jet lag kicking my ass.

"It wouldn't hurt to, just take a nap," I say, putting a hand on the bed.

"No. I'll stay up with Bruce for a few more hours, then go to sleep if I'm really tired," I tell myself. 

I walk downstairs and sit with Bruce, cuddling up to him. He's like a teddy bear; cuddly and warm. I guess I fell asleep because when I open my eyes, I'm in Bruce's bed. I'm fully clothed, but covered by the blankets and hugging the pillow I had under my head with one arm. My other arm's under my head; like a pillow. The curtains are drawn and the door's closed, the whole room quiet.

"Eh, I'll sleep some more," I say. Sure enough, I fall asleep again.


I wake up again and see Bruce facing me, sleeping in his pajamas. I'm still in my clothes, but that's okay. I quietly stand and walk to the dining room, getting my drawing stuff out. I'm going to work on drawing out the accessories for me. 

I would have a little crown, like Sid and I agreed on. And I would have a little heart necklace mom would put on me, like Sid and I agreed on. I would have white high heel shoes to make myself taller. But how would that work with my legs? I'll get home and work on my extra pair to see if I can modify them.

---time skip---

I finish sketching the crown and shoes, when Bruce walks downstairs.

"Liz? Are you down here," he calls.

"In the dining room," I call back. 

"When did you get up," he asks.

"Midnight. Jet lag," I say.

"Are you tired," he asks.

"Not really. Thanks for asking though," I say.

--lil' time skip--

"Hey Bruce," I start.

"Yes," he asks. He's sitting next to me on the couch, listening to music.

"How do you know that I'm not ugly," I ask.

"Ugly or pretty, you're perfect. But I actually have no idea if you are or not," he says.

"So, I could be butt-ugly, but you'd still marry me because I'm perfect to you," I simplify.

"Exactly. You're nice to me, you're smart and you're not afraid to meet people," he says.

"Glad you think that way about me. I've had some," I clear my throat, "negative comments in the past few... years and I'm finally happy that someone who's not the guys think that I'm everything."

"I heard from the fans that you're tattooed," he says.

"That's true," I say, bracing for ridicule.

"I always wanted to get a tattoo, but I have no idea where to start," he admits.

"I can help you with that. I'll even get a tattoo with you," I say.

"Really? That'd be amazing. Let's get one while you're still here," he says.

"Okay," I say.


We finish planning the tattoo, and my mind goes to my phone.

"I gotta call someone. I'll be back in a couple hours," I say. I kiss his cheek and go out to the balcony, which is on the second floor in his room. I call Sid and he picks up, sleepy.

"What time is it," he asks.

"Noon where I am," I say.

"I'm guessing your jet lag finally lost," he asks.

"Mostly. I'm still a little tired around this time, but I sleep through the night," I say, hearing the guys laughing.

"Something funny," I ask.

"They're just tying all the people with long hair's," he pauses and growls to one of them, "hair straight up. Please for the love of god come back. They're going insane, and so am I."

"Sid, you were already insane. You're a sugar glider that likes high places and a high head."


I've officially gone insane. This story's 100 chapters, and it's not stopping. If you guys want to know where this is going, I'm still in the writing phase of another era. There's going to be a life changing thing in it.

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