Chapter 28

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-Tour Day-

"You guys ready," I ask, setting my bag on the floor.

"Hell yeah," Corey says, all of them stepping on the bus.

"First, Lawrence," I say, sitting with them in the lounge room and talking about the tour.

---time skip---

"So, we have a signing, then the show. You coming," Shawn asks, making me roll my eyes.

"Of course I am. I wouldn't let the maggots down," I say, running a hand through my hair. It grew more, and now it's down to the floor, the tips just brushing the floor of the bus.

"Good god, does your hair ever stop growing," Corey asks, playing with it since I'm sitting next to him.

"No. The weird thing is, I can feel it growing. My scalp hurts sometimes from it," I say, the bus stopping and letting us get off. 

I put my mask on and hop off, not bothering to put my hair into pigtails. I put some hair in front of my shoulders and tuck some behind my ear, walking with the other guys to the signing.

I see fans upon fans waiting to get in, some of them seeing me and getting confused. They've never seen me with my hair down, so I guess they didn't expect that much hair. I sit by Corey and switch my hair to my right shoulder to not bother him, my hair touching below my knee.

"I'm still surprised," Corey says, smiling.

"It's also really easy to clog a drain," I say, him thinking about it. Before he could respond, the doors open and the fans flood towards us, getting in a line for the signing.

"Hi there," an excited girl says to me and Corey, making both of us uncomfortable from how she leans to us with a creepy smile.

"Hi," I say, her looking at me.

"So I have this for you. I thought, since you do a lot behind the scenes, you need wheels, and for you, I have this," she says, setting a present in front of both of us.

"Oh, I love the wig," she says, running out, no signed materials.

"Do you know what happened," I ask.

"Not a thing," Corey replies. 

We both shrug in sync and get back to signing. Soon, I start to hear laughing coming from the start of the guys. I look over and Craig's signing some woman's rack, which made my mouth drop open and watch as she goes down the line. She reaches Corey and he signs her rack, my time coming.

"Do you want to," she asks, pointing to the signatures.

"Why wouldn't I? I've never signed a rack, so this is the first," I say, signing her rack with the sharpie she gave me.

"Oh, and my daughter wanted to give you these. She couldn't make it though. She's sick today," the woman says, setting a box wrapped in a cute paper wrapping, nines and the tribal S all over it and a bow on top, nines scattered in the bow and on the tails.

"Wow. Tell her I love it and to get better so I can meet her," I say, the woman taking it into mind and leaving. I get back to signing and in a few minutes, there's a woman with a 1 year old girl in her arms, the baby crying and Corey ignoring it as best he can.

"Hi, you must me 9. I'm Claire and sorry that Lucy's crying, she's a little scared by Mick," the woman says.

"Yeah, he can get scary. And I'm 5 foot 9," I say, making the mom laugh.

"I just want a picture with you and Lucy. She's gotten a picture with all of her favorites except you and Corey," she says, Corey perking up.

"I'm one of her favorites," he asks, the mom nodding.

"Whenever she hears you growl, she stops screaming and starts clapping and laughing. You're like a god to her," she says, Corey smiling to biggest smile I have ever seen.

"So, will you hold Lucy while I get my camera out of my purse," she asks. 

Both Corey and I jump up and walk towards the mom and baby. Claire hands Lucy to me and Corey waits patiently. Lucy stops crying when my hand touches her back and she looks at me, doing that adorable baby smile that makes my heart melt.

"Smile," Claire says, me smiling under my mask. I give Lucy to Corey and he melts when he sees her smile and grab one of his real dreads. Claire takes a picture of them and she has a special request.

"Could both of you hold her? And no, I don't endorse Lorey," she says, making both of us sigh in relief. 

I stand next to Corey and we cross our arms, putting Lucy in the middle and smiling. As if we knew we would do this, we tilted our heads to make them touch, Lucy grabbing a handful of my hair and one of Corey's dreads, smiling at me, then Corey. 

She takes a picture and thanks us deeply, taking Lucy out of our hands. Thankfully, she didn't try to eat one of Corey's dreads or my hair. We sit back down and I wave to them, Lucy doing the baby wave. I look up in sync with Corey and everyone's quiet and staring at us, smiles on their faces.

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