Chapter 17

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"Holy fuck, how tall are these," Joey asks. I rummage around in my bag and find a tape measure, measuring the heel and raising my eyebrows.

"20 inches," I say.

"How tall would the make me," Joey asks.

"Well, you're 5 foot 3, and the shoes are 20 inches, so you'd be 6 foot 11. If Sid or I wore them, we would be 7 foot 5," I say.

"What if Jim wore them," Sid asks.

"He would be 8 foot 2," I say.

"Don't let him wear them, he'll be unstoppable," Shawn says, Corey bursting out in laughter.

"He would be, but his biggest enemy would be doorways. Then again, he's tall already, so it's already an enemy," I say, Corey laughing harder. He calms down and I put the shoes back, putting the box on top of the others I got a couple days ago and putting the other boxes there as well, sitting back down by Sid.


"How did the fans take your eye shoes," Joey asks.

"A lot of them liked 'em. Some of them didn't say anything though," I say. 

"How come most of the gifts you get are shoes? It's a little weird," Corey says.

"Shoes can be paired with anything. Weird shoes? It's a little more complicated to pair it with, like, a business casual skirt and blouse," I say.

"When are interviewers going to realize you're a gold mine for answers," Shawn asks, making me laugh.

"They don't know who I am. Maybe, if I come along to an interview they'll see me. They might also ask who I am and why I'm there, but I get that a lot," I say, Sid hugging me.

"You have to many problems," he says, letting go and leaning his head on my shoulder, making Corey smile.

"Any day now, there's going to be a Liz and Sid shipping," he says, both me and Sid rolling our eyes.

"Shut up," I say.

"What would it be called? Lid," he starts.

"No, Siz," Joey says.

"Too close to Jizz," Clown says.

"Ooh, I got it. Lizey," Corey says, making me sigh.

"Lizey? Seriously," I ask, him nodding.

"All they need now is fuel. Like a hugging picture. Or this," he says, gesturing to us.

"Oh yeah. The ship envelopes. Open them," Sid says, sitting up and grabbing one. 

It's the Criz one. He opens it and takes out the first drawing, slowly putting it back and handing it to me. I prepare and take the same one out, seeing me kissing his plastic visor over his eyes by his forehead, my fingers laced through his spikes as he holds my waist. I hand it to Joey to pass around, and they don't make any comments, only eyebrows raised.

I take out another one and it's a more innocent one, of us holding hands. Our fingers are laced together and our arms touching. I pass it around and this repeats until there are no more left, Sid handing them back to me and grabbing the Lorey one.

"Ooh, this one's going to be good," Sid says, opening it and handing it to me. 

I take the first one out and see me leaning over Corey's shoulder, my face in his neck. The first few buttons on his coveralls are unbuttoned, and I look like I only have my bra on. I look at Sid with a worried expression and show him the picture, his eyes widening.

"Yeah, no," I say, putting the picture back and throwing it behind me.

"Aww, I wanted to see how kinky they are," Corey says.

"Corey, you don't want to see them. I looked at one picture and it was just..."

"Too smutty," Sid says for me, Corey grinning.

"Now I really want to see them," he says, Sid picking up the other Lorey envelope and opening. He hands it to me and I take the first one out, it being more innocent. It's Corey carrying me bridal style while I drift off in his arms, my arms on my abdomen and my head resting against his shoulder. There's a speech bubble above Corey.

'How did I get such an adorable girl?'

I pass it around and Sid puts it beside him, Corey spacing out. The next one is a little comic strip. It's unnamed, but it has 10 comic panels.


I push a door open with my foot, carrying Corey in my arms.


 I set him in a bed and he's already passed out, a 3/4 drank bottle of Jack in his hand.


'I wish you wouldn't do this to yourself.' I say.


I take the bottle out of his hand and walk out gently closing the door and walking downstairs to the kitchen. 


I put the bottle in the recycling and go back upstairs.


I enter my room, sighing.


I flop on my bed and fall asleep.

8~ -morning- 

I wake up to hear talking in Corey's room.


I walk to his room and peek in.


"NO! No cliffhangers," Sid exclaims, leaning on my shoulder to see the comic. I pass it to the confused guys across from me and they all look at it together, their eyes widening at the end when they see the 10th panel.

"Wow," Joey says quietly, Sid setting it by him and waiting for another picture or comic. I take out another and smile, seeing Corey trying to impress me in a comic. First, he gives me flowers. Then, he gives me candy. Then, he gives me jewelry. Lastly, he gives me a hug and kiss on the forehead.

"Aww, I love this one. Just the fact that he's trying to impress you makes it really sweet and really fake," Sid says. I pass it to the other guys and this repeats until there are none left, Sid handing me the pictures and comics to put back.

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