Chapter 19

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-concert time-

I walk back with Corey, who's surprisingly sober. His arm's resting on my shoulders, and his head's resting on my shoulder, making it perfect for another ship drawing. We make it back and I see Ari waiting to get in, looking around nervously for the concert to start.

"Alright guys, get ready. I'll be in the crowd," I say, shaking Corey off and walking to Ari. I get stopped by the guys and the pinch my ass, letting me go after. She spots me and jumps up, waving to me. I walk to her and she pulls me into a hug, saying how happy she is to see me.

"I'm happy to see you too," I say, her letting go and the guys walking on stage.

"Hey, can you help me with my makeup? I can't see myself," I say, her getting confused.

"What makeup," she asks. I get out the black makeup and red heart makeup, her getting it and digging in her backpack. She holds up a mirror and I put it on, letting her put on the broken heart part.

"Thanks," I say. 

I put the makeup back in my pocket and put my hair in ponytails. I get out my mask and she looks at it, her eyes wanting to put it on. I gesture for her to put it on and she eagerly does, looking at herself in her mirror and laughing. She takes it off and helps me by buckling the second one while I buckle the first one.

---time skip---

They end and everyone cheers, even me. Instead of walking off, they all stay and Corey puts a hand up, making everyone stop cheering.

"Now, before we go," he starts, Ari getting confused and looking at me.

"That motherfucker," I say through my teeth.

"I want to wish a special someone a happy birthday. Where is 9," he asks, looking for me. He spots me and waves me up. I give him a double bird and he laughs.

"Yeah, no. Could some of you help me? She's stubborn," he says, fans lifting me up and crowd surfing me to the front.

"Fuck all y'all," I say, getting set down in the front. Mick picks me up and sets me by Corey. I cross my arms and all of them line up behind me, a one tier cake in Sid's hands.

"Ready," Corey says into the mic, everyone cheering. I uncross my arms and put my hands on my masked cheeks, my eyes welling up with tears of joy.

"Happy birthday to you," all of them sing, the fans joining in.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear nine, happy birthday to you," everyone sings, making a few tears slip out onto my mask.

"You guys," I start, Sid handing me the cake.

"Who's idea was this," I ask, everyone pointing to Corey, who's eyes widen. I hand Sid the cake and take a step to Corey, who steps back. I pull him into a hug and hug him around the neck, burying my mask in his dreads because I'm taller than him.

"Thank you," I say, his arms wrapping around my healing ribs and hugging me tight. I hear the crowd 'aww', so I let go and step away, wiping the tears off my mask.

"But also," I say, taking the cake. 

I put a hand on the back of Corey's head and push the cake into his face, a little angry at him for dragging me up here and singing happy birthday in front of all the fans here. I let go and throw the rest of the cake into the crowd, Corey wiping some off of his mask and booping my nose with the cake, getting frosting on my masked nose.

"And this is how ships are made you ass," I say. 

I wipe the frosting off and put my hand up, the crowd cheering louder. I look at my hand and put the other one up, all of them going dead silent. I wave to them and walk off, the guys following. I take off my mask and keep my pigtails in, wiping the makeup off with a rag I keep for makeup. Sid runs up to me and looks at my shoes, seeing the spikes and hums, looking back at me. I bend my knees and pick him up, hugging him while he's dangling a few inches off the ground.

"Look, the wild Sidney, clinging onto Liz," Jim says, pointing to us.

"He's not clinging onto me. I'm holding him literally inches from the ground," I say, Sid, wiggling to get higher in my grip. I hold him around the lower ribs and he wraps his legs around my waist, locking his feet together at the ankles.

"And now he's clinging," Jim says, Corey crossing his arms and making a pouty face.

"Why does he get to do that," Corey asks, making me smile.

"Because of two reasons. One, there's no ship of us, so I feel a little better about it; and two, he's the baby of the band," I say, Corey making a shocked face.

"And," he asks, making me laugh.

"And what? Those were my two reasons. But, he also, as you guys see, hugs me after every show," I say, setting him down.

"Fine. Can I at least get a hug," Corey asks, opening his arms for a hug. I roll my eyes and bend my knees, hugging him. I let go and everyone looks at Joey, who's in space and looking around.

"It's hard enough to hug Sid, and he's the same height as me," I say to them, Joey not paying attention.

"Just do it," Mick says, getting Joey's attention.

"Do what," he asks, looking at Mick.

"Do you want a hug," I ask, Joey looking up at me, then at my shoes.

"It'll hurt," he says, looking at the spikes on my shoes.

"Right. Just come here," I say, him walking to me. I pick him up and hug him, his feet dangling about 9 inches off the ground because these shoes make me 6 foot.

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