Chapter 36

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-Paris, France-

I hop off the bus and adjust my shoes, them being the googly eyed boots. I walk next to Craig and he rubs his hand together, it being December. I had a leather jacket on, but the guys refused to bring jackets along. So basically, they're going to freeze their junk off before they get inside. 

We step inside the venue and they rub their arms, still cold from the outside. I put my coat on Corey, who's hugging me for warmth. He pulls it on and enjoys the warmth, Sid clinging onto me for my warmth.

"Ah, heat vampires," I say, Joey joining in and standing on my feet to get to somewhat my height. I push them off and Joey steps down, Jim picking me up and being a heat vampire.

"No! I still need to be warm," I say, wiggling out of his grip. I drop onto my feet and Sid clings onto Corey, who glares at him.

"Get. Off," Corey growls, Sid letting go and looking at me. 

I roll my eyes and open my arms, him hugging me and standing on my shoes. The producer of the boots knew Sid stood on my feet, so she didn't put any eyes on the top of my shoes. I feel someone pick up my hair so I turn my head, seeing Corey and Jim measuring my hair.

"Someone else hold her hair," Corey says, Sid jumping down and holding up the ends. 

Corey walks down and raises his eyebrows, showing Jim what the number is. I didn't cut it off yet because I decided to let it grow until people start to step on it. It's a long way away from my feet, even with platforms and heels on.

"How long is it," I ask.

"8 feet even," Corey says, me smiling.

"Nice, now I can wrap it around my neck as a scarf," I say, all of them laughing.

"Oh just you wait. When we go back outside I'll do that and all of you're asses are going to be frozen," I say, throwing my hair over my other shoulder to make it wrap around my neck once.

"Okay, we believe you," Joey says, wiping tears from his eyes. They all get ready and I see Ari walk in, looking around and spotting me. She walks to me and hugs me, feeling my hair after she lets go.

"How long is it today," she asks. They've been measuring my hair every day, once in the morning and once before bed to 'See how much it grew'.

"8 feet even," I say, her getting out a hairtie and putting my hair up for me as I put on my makeup.

"Oh, look what I found," she says, holding out a pair of black sclera contact lenses.

"Oh, look what I found," she says, holding out a pair of black sclera contact lenses

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"Ooh, let's put them in now," I say, her handing me one. I trust Ari and put both of them in, looking at myself after.

"I look good," I say, looking at Ari. She nods and hand me my mask, and I hold it to my face.

"Damn, that's legit creepy," she says, making me laugh.

"Okay, the crowd's forming, better go back to the guys," I say, Ari going out to the fans and waiting for me. 

I walk back and they pinch my ass, waving to me and walking out to the stage. I leave and pick up my hair, the ponytail not high enough to keep it off the ground. I walk to Ari and put my hair over my shoulder, seeing Corey hopping up and down while screaming lyrics. Ari wanders off and a guy bumps into me, one of his friends laughing and pointing to him.

"Désolé pour mon ami. Il peut être un as," the guy says, using his thumb to point over his shoulder to the guy. [Hey, sorry about my friend. He can be an ass.]

"Aucun problème. Comment t'appelles-tu," I ask, him looking surprised. [No problem. What's your name?]

"Bruce. C'est quoi le 1er?" [Bruce. What's yours?]

"Liz." [Liz.]

He then extends his hand and touches my arm, not looking at me but to the side. I used to have a blind friend, and they would touch my arm to find where I am if I don't say anything. Bruce must be blind.

"Je ne veux pas paraître impoli ou quoi que ce soit de ce genre, mais êtes-vous aveugle," I ask Bruce, placing my hand on his that's on my arm, as if he's holding onto me. [I don't want to sound rude or anything like that, but are you blind?]

"Je suis. Beaucoup de femmes pensent que je ne suis pas assez bon pour être un petit ami parce que je suis aveugle. C'est triste," he says, smiling. [I am. A lot of women think I'm not good enough to be a boyfriend because I'm blind. It's saddening.]

"C'est pas bon. Je n'aime pas quand les gens traitent les autres de cette façon, juste parce qu'ils ne peuvent pas voir. J'avais un ami aveugle, et on passerait le meilleur moment ensemble," I say, making Bruce laugh. [That's bad. I don't like it when people treat others that way, just because they can't see. I used to have a blind friend, and we would have the best time together.]

"Alors tu sais faire les choses avec les aveugles? J'ai toujours voulu avoir quelqu'un d'autre que ce mal derrière moi qui comprenne être avec un aveugle," he says, the guy behind him making a shocked face. [Then you know how to do things with blind people? I always wanted to have someone besides this ass behind me that understands being with a blind man.]

"Ouais. Une fois que vous vous présentez, ils sont comme toutes les autres personnes," I say. [Yeah. Once you introduce yourself, they're just like every other person.]

"Excusez-moi une minute," he asks, letting go and turning to his friend, who puts a hand on his shoulder as he speaks quietly. [Would you excuse me for a minute?] He turns around again and I extend my hand, touching his that are being wringed in front of him.

"Vas-y, ne sois pas timide avec cet ange," he says, me looking at him. [Go on, don't be shy to this angel.]

"Alors, e uh, voulez-vous, e uh," he starts, looking down to his shoes. [So, uh, would you like to, uh...]

"J'aimerais quoi," I urge him on, hearing the second to last song. [I would like to what?]

"Sors avec moi," he finishes, my eyes widening and my hands covering my mouth in happiness. [Go out with me.] I don't know why I'm so happy, I just met him an hour ago.

_Wow, she's better than Anna, but worse at the same time._

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