Chapter 66

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-May 29th, Paris, France-

I put a spritz of my perfume on my neck as Sid finishes braiding my hair, which is about 35 feet long.

"Wow, I didn't know you actually wanted us to be comfortable," Joey says. I'm in the dressing room with them, sitting cross-legged on the floor with Sid sticking a few flowers in my braid.

"Why wouldn't I? You guys are my brothers, and I want my brothers to be comfortable on stage so they can punch the shit out of each other," I say.

"You got that right," Shawn says.

"Hey Liz, you want to do my makeup," Sid asks, making me smile.

"Yes, but I have to leave in about 15 minutes. Even though Bruce's blind, he still knows," I say. I put Sid's makeup on him and hand him his mask, seeing Chris look in his mask for something.

"Looking for the back," I ask. I stand and he nods, making me take the front off of his nose. The mechanism's set up and full, ready to go.

"Okay, you guys got everything," I ask. I look at them and they're dressed and in their masks, ready to go.

"Yep. You got everything," Corey asks. I look down and see my black sweatshirt, dark blue 'skinny' jeans and my googly eye shoes. I was wearing my new earrings that a fan gave me last tour and the two friendship bracelets I gave the guys and the girls.

"Yep," I say. 

"Alright, I gotta go," I say. They pinch my ass and one of them goes to a full smack, which makes me jump a few inches forward.

"So it begins," I say. 

They all laugh as I walk out, putting my backpack on and walking to the outside. It's May, so it's warm enough for just a sweatshirt. I see Bruce holding something behind his back, making me wonder. I've been writing to him in braille and he said the next date we have he's got to ask me something.

"Brucie," I say, brushing my hand against his. I gave him the nickname to tell him that it's me without saying it's me.

"Liz, c'est bon de, comment puis-je dire cela, vous entendre à nouveau," he says, making me laugh. [Liz, it's good to, how do I say this, hear you again.]

"C'est bon de t'entendre aussi," I say, holding his hand as we walk down the sidewalk. He had put the thing he was hiding in his back pocket, using his other hand to guide the walking stick. [It's good to hear you too.]

"Comment va l'Amérique? Tout va bien là-bas," he asks. [How's America? Everything going good over there?]

"Oui. Comment va Paris ? C'est aussi romantique qu'avant," I ask. [Yeah. How's Paris? Is it as romantic as I was here before?]

"C'est encore plus romantique quand tu es là, à mes côtés," he says. [It's even more romantic when you're here, by my side.] He's so adorable.

"Ok, si on parle doucement, prenons un café et un beignet," I say. [Okay, if we're going on with sweet talking, let's get some coffee and a doughnut.] He agrees and we walk to a coffee shop, sitting down at a two seat table.

---time skip---

"Faut que j'y aille. Je t'aime," I say. [I gotta go. Love you.]

"Je t'aime aussi," he says. [Love you too.]

"Oh, attends! J'ai presque oublié," he says. [Oh, wait! I almost forgot!]

"Puisque tu retournes en Amérique ou ailleurs après ça, je voulais te donner ça. Juste pour que les gars autour de toi s'en adentent que tu sois pris," he says. [Since you're going back to America or wherever after this, I wanted to give you this. Just so the guys around you know you're taken.] He takes a ring box out of his back pocket and opens it, showing a promise ring.

"Je sais que tu m'as dit que tu travailais dans un endroit où les diamants seraient rayés, alors j'ai celui-ci

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"Je sais que tu m'as dit que tu travailais dans un endroit où les diamants seraient rayés, alors j'ai celui-ci. J'espère qu'il n'y a pas de diamant dedans," he adds. [I know you told me that you work in a place where diamonds would get scratched, so I got this one. I hope there's no diamond in it.]

I couldn't say anything, so I pull his face down and kiss him, overjoyed at his gesture. He's about Mick's height, but kind of the same build as him. He's as strong as Mick, but leaner.

"Donc je suppose que c'est un oui," he asks. [So I'm guessing that's a yes?]

"Oui. C'est un oui," I say. [Yeah, It's a yes.] He takes the ring out and puts it on my left ring finger, it fitting perfectly.

"Maintenant, je dois vraiment y aller. Je t'aime," I say. [Now I really have to go. Love you.] 

He lets me go and I walk back to the venue, waiting by the entrance for the cling-on we call Sid to run up. Soon enough, he does and jumps up, hugging me around the neck. I hug around his ribs and I can't keep my smile hidden, resting my chin on Sid's shoulder.

"How was the date," Sid asks, walking next to me.

"Well, I have to show all of you guys something before we leave," I say. 

They stop in front of the bus and stand in front of me, in height order so they see it. I hold out my left hand and Corey's the first one to notice, his eyes widening as he stares at the knot. In an instant, they all group hug me and I get squished in the middle.

"When's the wedding," Chris asks.

"No wedding yet. It's a promise ring," I say. Corey puts his hand under mine and looks at the ring, running his thumb over the knot.

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