Chapter Seventy-Four

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Is there a such thing as being burnt out after just two classes? If so, that's what I was

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Is there a such thing as being burnt out after just two classes? If so, that's what I was. My hands were cramping and my head was throbbing by the time lunch came. So much so that as soon as the bell rung I let out a sigh. I didn't move out my seat but instead I laid my head on the desk.

I knew that I needed to get up because I was sure that Ba Wei was going to be looking for me, but I just didn't have the energy. I let my hair fall over into my face and closed my eyes and took deep breaths. I didn't want to go to sleep but I did want the headache I had to go away.

It had been a long time since I had gotten a headache and I kind of wish my body didn't refresh my memory of what one felt like. It felt like someone was playing soccer in my skull and was hitting everywhere but the goal. Go away...I don't want to go to the nurses office myself.

After a few minutes of laying there I felt my phone vibrate. Even though I didn't want to look at it I slowly sighed and pulled it out. As I looked down at the screen I couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow. There was a message from someone that I knew was only bad news.

"Han Jie Xue," I said low aloud.

I let my finger hover over the message for a long time before I finally clicked on it. As I read over the message my bad mood seemed to almost get worse. Why? Why can't my life just be normal for once. I left her behind for a reason so why is she coming back now? She's honestly like a stalker.

Han Jie Xue: I've missed you. I see you've made a few friends. I wonder if they know what you did, and what you did to me?

You would think that I would be upset about the obvious threat she had sent but I was more annoyed about her number being in my phone at all. I deleted her number and everyone associated with her before I moved. I left my entire life behind and she was just an ugly reminder of it.

I deleted the message and ran a hand though my hair. I was about to lay my head back on the desk when I heard a familiar voice call out to me. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as my eyes met with Ba Weis.

"What are you still doing in this classroom," he asked as he started to walk towards me?

As he walked towards me the few students that were still in the classroom seemed to be in utter shock. I couldn't help but want to laugh.

"I'm tired." He sat in the desk directly in front of me and raised an eyebrow.

"You tired? At school? I didn't think there'd be a day."

I let out a small laugh, "whose fault do you think it is that I'm tired?"

As I asked that our eyes met and it sent shivers down my spine. His gaze was intense, so intense that I had to shift my eyes. He let out a low chuckle and my eyes snapped back to him. The small smile on his face looked good on him, but looking at that smile now made me uncomfortable. Not for the fact that it looked bad but because other people might see it.

"Don't flirt with me so openly," he reached out and touched a strand of my hair, "I might just think you like me."

"Fuck off," I said laughing.

Ba Wei just shook his head and looked out the window for a brief second. When his eyes landed back on me they went to anything but my face. I knew what he was looking at because I knew they were on full display.

"I didn't know they were this visible."

I touched my neck, "yeah. I'm surprised no one has said anything about them." I wasn't going to tell him about Yaling because she was no one.

I watched as a smirk spread across his lips, "what will you say if someone asks you?"

His eyes met mine end gazing into those orbs let me know that he wanted a certain kind of answer and I knew exactly the kind he wanted. He wanted me to say they that I would tell them he did it but quite frankly I wouldn't say anything in that situation. It would be too weird to say anything else.

"Nothing most likely."

He raised an eyebrow, "why?"

"What would I say?"

He didn't say anything but studying his face he definitely wanted too. I was about to reach out and pinch his cheeks when I noticed the amount of eyes that were on us.

"You're a celebrity in here aren't you?" He looked around briefly. As he did the people that were once staring shifted their eyes.

"That's weird," he started, "I didn't even notice."

"Don't be a cocky bastard."

A laugh left him and I was happy to hear it. It's not like I don't hear it a lot, it's just him smile in public made me somewhat happy. Maybe I've tamed the emotionless beast that is Ba Wei.

"Hey, are you hungry?"

I was pulled out of my thoughts by that sudden question and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.


Ba Wei rolled his eyes, "why? Why else would I ask?"

I smirked at the clear annoyance in his voice. Quite frankly I didn't know if I was hungry. I was too focused on the throbbing headache I had. I knew I had to answer and if I didn't he would just force me to say that I was. He's kind of pushy now that I think of it.

"No. I'm fine."

"You sure," he said raising an eyebrow?" I nodded and he just stared at me not saying anything for a few minutes. "You don't look like you're sure."

"I'm sure," I said laughing, "I'm not hungry really."

I thought he was about to let it go but suddenly he reached out and touched  my forehead. I wanted to move his hand but being honest I didn't really have the energy.

"You're a bit warm."

"I'm fine," I said with a frown pushing his hand away.

"If you're warm you're anything but fine."

"Don't pester me. I said I'm fine."

He didn't say anything after that and he left suddenly without a word. I narrowed my eyes on him. Is this a joke or something? I was about to call out to him but he was already out the door. I ran a hand through my hair. That's great, just great. I've managed to piss the guy off with little to no effort. Dammit.

I wanted to get up to go after him, to apologize, but I didn't want to move my body. Even though I said I was fine, my body felt anything but fine: I knew that I could push through to the end of the day so it wasn't a concern for me. I laid my head back on the desk and closed my eyes. Just a few more hours.


Happy New Year everyone ❤️

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