Chapter One Hundred Sixty Six

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"What," Ba Wei asked

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"What," Ba Wei asked.

I turned to him, "Later." I turned back to the guy in front of me, "Now answer my question."

He laughed, "You finally realized that huh? How is your dear father?"

I stared at him for a few seconds before I stood up. He seemed surprised that I did that. I looked back at Ba Wei to see that he was eyeing him.

"Hey Ba Wei."

"Hmm," he said as he shifted his eyes to me?

"I need a favor," He cocked a eyebrow, "it'll get you in some trouble though."

A smile spread across his face, "you know I've never been afraid of trouble."

I chuckled, "good. Now, I'm going to ask our good friend here questions. If he gives me a answer I don't like. You can hit him."

I knew that me doing this wasn't good, but I needed the answer and maybe violence was the only answer. Plus I did want my pay back for what he did to me. I wasn't the one hurting him technically. Just a bystander...

"I just won't answer you then."

I leaned down to his eye level, "how cute. He'll just beat you when you don't answer too." I watched as the small smirk he had on his face fell. "You got that Ba Wei."

I listened as Ba Wei walked up behind me, "yeah I got it babe."

I cleared my throat, "so, again. Why is your mom engaged to my father?"

I waited a few minutes, but it was only silence. I cocked a eyebrow and stepped out of the way. Without me saying anything Ba Wei kicked him in the face. Blood immediately started to pour from his mouth. I wish I could say I cared but I didn't. I watched as he spit out blood and squeezed his eyes shut.

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

He let out a few heavy breaths, "Look I don't know."


"I really don't know. It wasn't part of our plan. She was just supposed to get close to him, and poison him."

"Poison him how?"

"I don't know. She went dark. I've been on my own for months now dick."

"What even is your issue with him," Ba Wei asked suddenly?

"He ruined everything that's why!"  He looked me directly in the eye, "you ruined Cheng De."

"How could I ruin a already ruined person. He was terrible when I met him."

"After he met you he got violent. He started making dumb decisions, and after that day in that alley he became obsessed with finding you after you disappeared. It was bad enough that he put you before me before then."

"How is this a reason for you to hate him," Ba Wei chimed in?

He looked up at me, "do you know what it feels like to be tossed aside by the person you love for someone else."

I sighed, "why are you angry at me when all I wanted to do was get away from the guy? Why are you not angry at Cheng De? Did you even tell him why you were so angry before you killed him?"


"It's sad. You're so angry with me about him yet you didn't even convey your feelings before he took his last breath." I crossed my arms and took in a deep breath, "Pathetic."

I knew I was being harsh, but I think he needed to hear this. The fact that he's done all of this because his heart got broken is pathetic. He has issues and seeing how he talks about his decisions; I don't think he understands that.

"Listen Zuo Xuo, this is how this is going to go. Either you explain and help me understand the plan you and you mom are running or I can kill you right here."

When he heard the last part his eyes widened, "what?"

"This time it won't be a accident. I may not like my father, but if anything happens to that dick of a old man. You'll get to see the man you love so much again."

The room fell into silence and I turned to Ba Wei to see him looking at me. I couldn't read his face, but I didn't have time to try to decipher his expression before Zuo Xuo began to speak.

"I told you all I know. She only said a name."

"And that name is?"

" something Xiaoli. I don't fucking remember."

"Shi Xiaoli," I asked slowly?

"Yeah. Yeah I think that was it."

I turned and made my way to the door without a word. I could hear Ba Wei follow after me. When we exited the room the door slammed shut.

"You alright?"

"I'm fine. Can we get out of here."

"Hey, get us out of here," Ba Wei yelled? "What's wrong?"

"The name Ba Wei."

"What about it?"

"It's my mom. It's my moms name."

My head was spinning. I didn't know what to think. Should I believe him or was it just a trick from that guy. Ba Wei didn't say anything and just grabbed my hand and pulled me through the dark hall. I barely payed attention to anything because my mind was going a mile a minute.

If it was true, what was she planning. I knew she hated my father but she wouldn't do something dangerous would she? I asked that question knowing that I couldn't answer it. The only memories I have was of her loving side. I hadn't seen what my father had.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by Ba Wei yanking on my arm. I narrowed my eyes on him too see that we were back on the ground floor. Without another thought I dug into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on my moms number. I put it on speaker and waited. To my surprise she answered.

"Ji Nan," she called.



"Where are you right now?"

"I'm seeing a friend."

I took a deep breath,"have you seen dad lately." The line was silent for a minute before I heard her chuckle.

"Look, We both know why you're calling me. Zuo Xuo always had loose lips." I'd don't know what to say so I just stayed quiet. "Look, just stay out of it. It's not your concern."

I didn't know when I started crying but I had. They fell continuously and my body had began to shake.

"Mom...what are you planning on doing to my dad."

"Just stay in your place Ji Nan. Let the adults handle this."

Before I could say anything else the line went dead. I let my phone drop from my hand and before it even hit the floor Ba Wei pulled me into his arms. My ears began to ring and my vision began to blur. My heart was beating so fast that I felt short of breath. Was this punishment for how I've acted? Why was this all happening to me? Before I could even attempt to answer those questions everything went black.

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