Chapter Thirty-Four

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When I woke up the next day I was exhausted

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When I woke up the next day I was exhausted. Even though I laid down right after that search last night, I stayed up thinking about it even longer. I ended up going to sleep around eight in the morning, and it was now eleven.

I laid in bed just staring at the ceiling and let last nights thoughts drift to the back of my head. I didn't want to think about it. It would be troublesome and probably would affect my mood.I sat up in bed and sighed. I ran a hand through my hair. It can't be true, so I have nothing to think about right?

I climbed out of bed, and walked into the conjoined bathroom. I glanced in the mirror and sighed. My hair was al over the place, and my eyes were slightly swollen. Great.

I cut on the water and quickly washed my face. After I was done with that I realized that I didn't bring my tooth brush. It would be gross not to brush my teeth and I would have to talk to other people. He had to have an extra.

I began looking through the cabinets in the bathroom, and to my surprise he had many brand new ones. I chose one of them and some tooth paste and started brushing my teeth. The more I brushed the more I began to question why he had so many extra tooth brushes and tooth pastes. How many people come to stay with him that he would need that many?

I pushed the question to the back of my mind and finished brushing my teeth. I cut off the light in the bathroom and walked back into the bedroom. I sat down on the bed and picked up my phone. It was fairly low on battery since I couldn't charge it last night. I scrolled through the messages that littered it until I came across an unknown number. It was a text message and what it said made me shiver.

Unknown: how's your new life treating you?

Even though it was such a short sentence, I knew exactly who it was. I knew my past would come up eventually, but I didn't think it would be this early. I clicked on the message and sent a quick text back before blocking the number.

Me: good. Don't contact me.

If it is who I think it is, it would be best to just send a text back and block them. If I didn't they would find someway of finding out where I was. They'd down it before on a minor scale, so I knew they could do it in a larger scale.

I sat my phone down and got up and stretched. I walked out of the room and made my way towards the kitchen. The house was silent and a bit dark since no blinds were open. I had to watch where I was going quite carefully since I didn't know where everything was at.

After dodging tables and decor I finally made it to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and was surprised that it was full. I raised an eyebrow at this seeing that last night he pushed the point that he couldn't cook. Does his mother still cook for him even at this age? If she did, he's more childish than I thought. She must only cook dinner because was already noon and nothing had been cooked.

I looked around in the fridge for a minute before I settled on something I wanted to make. An omelet, I hadn't had one a while. Come to think of it I usually just don't eat breakfast at all. I scratched the back of my head and look down the hall. I hope he wouldn't mind me cooking. If he did it would be all kinds of embarrassing.

I took out all the ingredients, but there was still an issue. Where are the pots and pans? I looked through every cabinet, but there was nothing. At this point I would have to wake him up to ask where they were. Even the thought of doing that made me annoyed. I just need a fucking frying pan! I looked around the kitchen one more time and finally I found them. Who the hell puts pots and pans in a closet instead of cabinets? Him apparently.

After I picked out a frying pan I began making the omelets. It was a pretty fast process, and before long they were done. I looked over at the two plates I had made with a sense of satisfaction. I was gonna make a layered omelet but in the end I made an egg pancake. 

"This should be enough for now." I picked up the plates and walked them over to the table. I cut on a light in the living room and went to retrieve our study books. It was weird to study right after eating, but it was the fastest way to get it over with.

I pulled my books out of my bag and sat them on the floor beside me, and did to same with Ba Wei's. Once I had all of them, I walked back over to the table and set them up. Now that everything was set up the only issue was Ba Wei not being here. I wanted to pull my hair out. I would still have to wake him up, and he doesn't seem like a day person at all. That day on the roof when I had to wake him, he had a very grumpy mood. How would he act now seeing that he's in his own home?

I walked down the hall slowly, and the closer I got to his door; the stranger I felt. I stopped in front of the door and raised my hand to knock on it. I thought I would just be able to knock but my closed fish stayed in the air. I took a deep breath and finally connected my knuckles to the wooden door. There was silence, so I knocked again. I raised an eyebrow and was about to know I again, but the door came open.

"I'm up," that familiar voice said. As he walked into view my breath halted. "What is it?" He was rubbing his eyes and he had yet to look at me but my face immediately started to heat up. I looked down at the floor and responded to him.

"I made breakfast."


Hello everyone, I know I'm off my update schedule but I'm trying to get back on it. I hope everyone had a great time on Mother's Day.

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