Chapter Ninty-Nine

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When I woke up the next morning I woke up to an empty room

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When I woke up the next morning I woke up to an empty room. I couldn't help but be confused on exactly where he could be. I got up from the bed and grabbed my phone. I opened it to see a very strange message. It wasn't from Ba Wei nor was it from my father but an unknown number.

Unknown: are you just going to ignore me until you can't anymore again.

The message was chilling to read because I knew who it was from. It wasn't like I was running from the past nor any of them I just had no interest in speaking with them. You would think they'd get that when I blocked all of their numbers and vanished from town. I guess they're a bit attached, well he is.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and deleted the message. I clicked on my call log and pressed Ba Weis number and let it ring. It rung a few times before He finally picked up. He didn't say anything at first but I could hear shuffling in the back ground.

"Hello," I said confused.

"Who is this," asked a voice that was definitely not Ba Weis?

"Um, is Ba Wei there?"

"Your name boy?"

"It's Ji Nan," I said in a confused tone.

The line was silent then there was lots shuffling and followed after that shuffling was talking. I tried to listen closely to hear but I couldn't make out what was being said. What the hell was going on and why did someone else have his phone.


"Ba Wei?"

He laughed. "Who else?"

"I don't know it could be that unknown man again."

"Don't get so feisty. It was just my dad."

When I heard that sentence I felt kind of weird. Not only because I had just spoken to the person I liked parent, but I basically just got a bit jealous of another man picking of Ba Weis phone.

"Oh," I didn't say anything for a second. "Where are you?"

"I'm at my house for a meeting and also to get my books."

"It's that the reason your dad answered your phone?"

"Yeah, but I'm leaving now so I'll be there soon. We have to go get your books too so get dressed so we can go get them."

"Okay. Do you want to pick up something to eat on the way to my house?"

"Yeah, we can. I'm going to get Wu Ge to drive me over. Make sure to pack up your things."

I was confused about two things in that sentence: One, when did he start calling his driver Wu Ge. It's the first time I'd even heard him say that, and two, why did I need to pack. We were going to be studying here all day so why did I need to pack.


"Why what," he said as the sound of a car door shutting rang out.

"Why do I need to pack?"

You're staying at my house remember?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I'll pack it so hurry up."

"You heard that KangWu? Step on it."

When I heard that couldn't help the burning sensation that came onto my face. Did he have me on speaker? God I hope he didn't. After a few minutes of silence I finally asked.

"Am I on speaker?" I heard Ba Wei chuckle. "Take me off of it."

"Or what?"

"I'll embarrass you."

"How will you do that? We both know I'm not easily embarrassed."

He didn't lie about that but I knew exactly how to make him get me off speaker. In fact I think what I'm about to say would just make his entire face red.

"Did you enjoy yourself."

"Where are you doing with-"

"Last night I mean," I said cutting him off. "You know when I made you-"

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING!" I couldn't help the laugh that escaped me. "DO YOU KNOW WHAT KANGWU ALMOST HEARD?"

"I'm off speaker aren't I," I asked laughing?

He was quiet for a few minutes, "dick."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Is your face red?"

"Fuck you."

"Only on special occasions," I said jokingly.

"Get your things together already," he said annoyed.

"Yeah yeah and you get here already."


When Ba Wei finally arrived I was sitting on the bed. When he walked into the room we immediately made eye contact. I shifted my eyes and got up from the bed and went to get my bag. When I straightened back up I almost dropped the bag. Before I could even fully react Ba Wei pressed his lips against mine.My eyes widened and I pulled back almost immediately.


"Don't tease me when people are around."

A smile spread across my lips, "don't put me on speaker phone then." He gave me another quick peck on the lips and stepped backwards.


I nodded and let out a chuckle. He turned around without another word and started to walk back to the door. I followed behind him at a decent speed and when the door clicked behind us it had finally set in that I had slept in a hotel instead of home. Well I guess I couldn't even call that apartment home since it never felt like it. It was just another secondary location in another secondary city.

"Give me your bag," Ba Wei said pulling me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him  and before I could even answer he had already taken my bag. "Go check that key in. The car will be right out front."

"Ah, okay."

As we walked down the hallway to the elevator I couldn't help but look at him. He had changed clothes. I wonder when exactly did he change them. Without thinking I reached out and touched the collar of his shirt. I was expecting him to flinch or something but he didn't instead he just looked over at me and then turned back around. Weird.

"When did you change clothes?"

"I did when I went home. I took another shower too."

"Exactly how early did you leave," I asked as we stepped into the elevator. He pushed the ground floor button and looked over at me.

"Hmm I would say around five. I tried my best not to wake you up."

"Just wake me up next time."

"Huh? Why?" The elevator door opened and I stepped out first.

"Waking up with you not there is more uncomfortable."

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