Chapter One Hundred Fifty Six

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Hey guys, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter

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Hey guys, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. I know it's been a while but truthfully it's been hard to find time to write and the want to write. I finally finished this chapter so I thought I'd publish it for you guys. Thanks for all you guys support still. ❤️❤️❤️

A few days passed but nothing changed. My mom still sat in jail and we had gotten no information on who killed Cheng De. Even with Ba Wei's fathers help, still nothing.

"Look we have done all we can do. I have done all I can do," my father said.

I stayed silent and just kept my head down. Ba Wei was sitting beside me with his hand on my lower back. He had been very clingy the past few days but it didn't bother me much. It was nice having him be there.

"I know, but-"

"No buts. I have given all that I can. I have payed for her attorney upon your request. I have dealt with whatever you want to call this situation. I-"

"Look," Ba Wei said cutting him off. "We get it. You can not help anymore, but why comment on our relationship again?"

"Why do you think? This is not normal. This will not last. In fact I would say that you forced him into this but he probably wanted it."

Upon hearing that I lifted my head, "what do you mean by that?"

"You know what I mean. Just like you were before, you are making bad decisions."

"Ah there it is. There's the father I know. The one that calls me a failure for not wanting to take over a company that you barely built on your own."

"You had a nice life didn't you?"

"I've told you this before. The money is nice but it didn't replace having fucking parents. I could've been poor and still loved it if you just cared."

"I do."

"You don't," I stood up. "You can't even say you love me."

Ba Wei's stood up and cleared his throat, "I don't think it's good to argue right now. Let's just leave and come back tomorrow or something okay."

I didn't say anything and just walked towards to the door. Before I got there I stopped and took a deep breath.

I turned around, "you know just because you hate mom doesn't mean you have to hate me too. I know I'm just like her according to you but you ever think that you're the reason no one stays by your side. You have cancer and the only person you'll have by your side in the hospital for your treatments is a woman you barely know."

Without saying another word I left. I didn't even wait on Ba Wei but I could hear him behind me. I pressed the button for the elevator and only then did Ba Wei catch up to me.



He let out a sigh and just boarded the elevator with me. I smashed to the bottom floor but just as I did that he hit the stop button.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"Talk to me."

"I just did. Why the fuck did you stop the elevator?"

"Why are you angry," he asked as he walked over to me?

"I don't know? Maybe because my father is being a dick," I said sarcastically.

"Don't let him make you angry."

"Too late."

I was about to say something else but before I could Ba Wei kissed me, and not gently at that. He forced his tongue into my mouth and without thinking I bit down hard on his lip. The taste of blood flowed into my mouth and to my surprise he didn't react to the pain. Without any other choice I let his lip go and he slow pulled back.

He stared deep into my eyes and lowly I said, "sorry. I just-"

He licked his bottom lip, "it's fine. A little pain will never bother me."

"I'm sorry for getting snappy with you."

"Don't make that kind of face."

"I made you mad didn't I?"

"No. I'm not mad. I'm more worried.You have been stressed, not eating, and barley sleeping. In truth Ji Nan, I don't know what to do. I've never felt this useless before."

"You're not."

"Am I not? I can't help with your mom, or with Cheng De. The only thing I can do is annoy your father with my presence."

I wrapped my arms around him, "look. You may not have gotten any information about Cheng De, or be able to help my mom, but you being here with me helps me enough. Who cares what my father thinks about you or us. He's going to have to get used to it."

I watched as Ba Weis eyes scanned my face and it looked as if he was about to say something but before he could his phone started to ring. He raised an eyebrow and took out his phone and answered it.

"Kang Wu?"

"I got something."

"Go ahead."

"So I looked into the death of that guy and it's hella shady. I had to look into a few high school students. The main one I had to investigate was someone named Cai Long."

"Wait Yalings friend?"

"Yeah. I thought I had the wrong guy too but upon  following him it seems that he is quite weird. I didn't find out a lot on him, but I did go into his house and he had pictures."

"Pictures of what," Ba Wei asked?

"Well of you. Lots of them had your face crossed out. Also saw a shrine to that girl you mentioned. I was going to try to check out other stuff but he came home early."

"Find out anything else?"

"Yeah I did. Another weird thing is that multiple things in his house wasn't addressed to the name Cai Long."

"It could've been for his parents," I added.

"No. If I'm being honest with you the apartment he lives in showed no signed of any other person. I don't think the guys name really is Cai Long."

"Look more into it and get back to me okay. Also look into someone else for me," Ba Wei said.

"En. Who else?"

"Look into the name Jun Li."

"Alright. When are you guys coming back?"


"Father wants to know. He uh...worried I should say."

"I don't know. Probably soon. Tell him don't worry okay."

"Alright. I got to go."

Without another word Ba Wei hung up the phone. He stepped back from me and started the elevator back up. He let out a sigh and leaves again the railing.

"That was a interesting call don't you think?"

"Yeah. I would've thought Yaling was up to something not that guy that always hangs around her."

"Do you know anything about him?"

"Not really. I just know what he confronted me about the rumor about me sleeping with Yaling. He was friendly with me up until then. I always just assumed he liked her."

"Maybe he does and because she likes you. He had to get rid of you."

"That would be a good explanation if Kang Wu just didn't say that his name might not even be Cai Long."

"Kang Wu will find out who he really is."

The elevator dinged and I looked at Ba Wei, "I hope so."

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