Chapter Three

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When Friday finally came I was happy that the next day was a weekend because the week had been hell on me

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When Friday finally came I was happy that the next day was a weekend because the week had been hell on me. The tutoring sessions was getting longer and longer, and it was affecting my nightly routine. It also didn't help that father had started calling me after school.

For the last few days, I would make it home around nine or ten and after I showered and ate dinner it would already be midnight. When I finally laid down I wouldn't even find sleep until an hour or two later. Each morning I would wake up feeling drowsy, and more cranky than I usually am. I hid my drowsiness well, but I'm sure that anyone that looked at me closely could see the bags under my eyes. 

I sat at my desk taking notes even though all I wanted to do was sleep. I would only write down the very important things, and even then it was a lot. It didn't help that I had to add all the suggestions the teacher made. Literature might have been my best subject but it was easily the most annoying in terms of taking notes.

Throughout the class, I would occasionally stop and glance around the room. Every time I would do this I would catch Yaling staring at me. When our eyes would meet she would immediately look away, and all I could do was sigh. I would've thought that me ignoring her would get her off my back, but I was wrong.

I did my best to dodge her, and when she did catch me I would ignore her. I could see that this made her upset and I didn't feel the least bit bad. This was the nicest option I could've come up with, and it was barely working. At this point, I would have to tell her directly to leave me alone. Troublesome.


When class finally came to an end students poured out of the classroom in a hurry. When I finished packing up my things the classroom was empty. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes.

"Why couldn't it be this quiet all day?"

I sighed and got up from my desk and left. There were students still lingering in the halls talking about nothing. Before every weekend they did this and even though I had seen it a lot; I still didn't understand. I was more surprised at the fact that the faculty had very little objection to this.

At my old school, everyone had to be off the campus before a certain time, but here you could stay as long as you needed to. It was strange, to say the least, but also interesting. This school was a lot different from my last one for the simple fact that no one knew my father and I intend to keep it that way.

If they knew of him it would only cause problems because of his reputation. I wouldn't say that my father doesn't deserve his money, but he has what many call dirty money. He made a lot of enemies acquiring it, and even more in keeping it.

His work is the reason our relationship is how it is, and it's also a reason why mom left. I try not to dwell on that fact too often. I wish we were still a family.

When I made it to room 205 and entered, it was empty. This wasn't too shocking. After Ba Wei was on time for one day, he began to come late. I didn't ask why I just immediately started the lessons. He didn't say much and neither did I. It had become our routine.

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