Chapter Sixty-Two

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When I walked into my apartment it was quiet

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When I walked into my apartment it was quiet. I slipped off my shoes and slowly walked past the kitchen and into the living room. When I saw my fathers face I wanted to sigh but I didn't say anything. I knew whatever complaint he had was coming so I just stopped walking and just stared at the wall in front of me.

"Where have you been," he asked coldly? When he asked this he didn't look at me. Instead he kept his eyes looking past me.

"Why do you care."

"Don't give me that tone."

I crossed my arms, "what tone? This is my normal tone."

When that sentence left my mouth his eyes snapped to mine. Shivers went down my body as he narrowed his eyes. Without saying a word he slowly stood up and I took a step back.

"Ji Nan," he started, "I am trying to be patient with you."

My father wasn't the least bit frightening, but he knew how to intimidate me. He knew how to make me cower, but his attempt now was failing. Instead of being afraid I was annoyed. Annoyed at the fact that he was here. Annoyed at the fact that he even had to fuss at me about something so trivial as missing school. It's not like I even did it on purpose.

"It's none of your concern where I was," I said coldly.

"None of my concern? You're my son. Everything you do is my concern."

"Oh I'm you're son now?" My dad let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair.

"Why do you have to be so difficult!" His voice was loud and harsh. I could tell by his tone that he was angry, but I didn't care. "You leave this house, stay out all night, and on top of all that you miss school."

"Did you expect me to stay here?"

"Yes, because I pay for you to stay here to go to school. If you're not going to go to school; Why should I waste my money?"

"I missed one day, and I didn't even do it on purpose."

"How would I have known that huh? You weren't here."

"Why would I stay here? You and your new slut-"

Before I could finish the sentence all the air in my lungs left at once as a searing pain ripped across my abdomen. I fell to the floor and before I could even grasp what was happening I saw my fathers foot coming straight for my face. I closed my eyes hard and braced myself for the pain but it never came.

I slowly opened my eyes to see my father stumped down in front of me. When our eyes met I looked away immediately.

"Apologize," he said calmly. I didn't say anything and just focused on the pain that was running through my body. He hit me. I can't believe he hit me. "Did you not hear me?"

"Sorry," I said through clenched teeth.

"Good. You can follow directions."  He reached out and ruffled my hair. I was taken aback by this motion to the point that I flinched when he did it.

He sighed, "I didn't want to hit you. You know I didn't, but you don't speak with such a filthy mouth in front of me." He held out his hand, "here. get up."

I looked at his hand and the only thing I felt was anger. The pain from the punch to the stomach was something I never thought I'd feel from the hands of my father. Why does he even still take care of me if he's just going to treat me like this.

"Is she that important to you? More important to you than me?"

"Why do you have to think of it that way?"

I didn't utter a sound as my eyes began to fill up and sting. As much as I fought the tears they still fell. As much as I felt alone throughout  my life, I've never felt what I was feeling now. Abandoned...

"Just leave me alone," I choked out.

He sighed, "Why do you have to act so much like a child."

I didn't say anything and just slowly got to my feet. Without looking at him I walked towards my room. I had thought he would follow me but he didn't, and I was glad.

When I got to my room I closed the door and sunk to the floor. I pulled off the shirt that Ba Wei had given me and looked down at my stomach. There wasn't a bruise there yet but I knew there would be one. Only a large red patch lay there. I touched it gently but even that slight movement hurt.

I sighed and wiped my face. I didn't say anything nor did I think of anything as I sat there. My mind was completely blank, my emotions were completely gone. Even the numb feeling I usually get wasn't there.

As I sat there in the silence I could feel my eyes began to sting once again. The walls that I had built up around me slowly began collapsing. The tears from my eyes felt like flames against my skin.

I had been hit before. Multiple times by multiple different people, so why does this one feel any different. It was the same familiar pain, yet the area on my chest felt a million times worse.

I don't know how long I sat there crying, but when I finally stopped sobbing there was silence. I never would have thought I would be happy to hear the sound of nothing until now. I never once found comfort in complete silence like this. I guess having no one to see me lick my wounds was better than anything else.

As I thought about that I felt my phone buzz. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone to see a message from Ba Wei.

Ba Wei: make it through the battle?

When I read that message a small smile spread across my lips. I wanted so badly to text back no, but I knew I wouldn't be able to bring myself to say that. In truth I didn't want to bother him. I had already bothered him enough yesterday. It was better to just pretend I'm fine than worry him about something so trivial.

Me: yeah, but it could've been better


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I just wanted to say this chapter was a bit difficult to write for me. The abuse was very difficult to put into words. Even though I myself have witnessed and been through abuse, describing how it feels afterwards always is difficult. Fictional or nonfictional.

I just want to let anyone out there who happens to be reading this book to know that I am here for you if you need someone to talk to or you just need a friend. Im here...

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you for your patience❤️

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