Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Is there a particular reason why you're skipping class today," Ba Wei asked?

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"Is there a particular reason why you're skipping class today," Ba Wei asked?

"No, not really. Just don't feel like going back." It was particularly the truth. The other half was that I didn't want to be stared at by Yaling. Although stares never got to me, hers were different than most. They were starting to creep me out.

"That's new."

"Yeah I guess so. Why are you skipping class?"

"You," he said blankly.

"What do you mean me?"

"I'm not going to class if you aren't. It wouldn't be fair."

"What are you twelve? This isn't a team effort."

He laughed slightly, "to me it is. If you skip a class. I'm gonna skip a class." I just shook my head at his blatant foolishness. I was about to say something else, but my phone started to buzz none stop. I dug it out of my pocket to see my fathers name on the caller ID. Probably calling to cancel that dinner he arranged.

I picked up the call, "hello."

"Ji Nan, I'm glad you picked up. I was afraid you wouldn't be able to since you're in class."

"What is it?"

"I called to tell you that I won't be able to make dinner." I knew it.

"Okay. Have a safe trip."


He couldn't get the rest of my name out before I ended the call. I didn't expect anything else of this man. He probably will make up a stupid ass excuse about why he had to leave so suddenly when he got back. Pathetic.

"Hey, you alright." I had almost forgot that he was here because of the sudden wave of anger that had just hit me.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"You know, I can tell when you lie to me."  My eyes widened and I furrowed my eyebrows. Isn't that just great. Now I can't even lie correctly. I'm so stupid. 

"Really, I'm fine."

"Look me in the eye and say that." I wanted to do what he asked but I knew if I did he would read me like a book. I clenched my fist and bit the inside of my jaw.

"Can you just drop it," I asked softly.

"Alright, but I still want you to look at me." I sighed and looked up at him. A smirk appeared on his face as he reached towards mine. I tried to retreat but it was no use he had already grabbed my cheeks. He began to pull them, and I just sat there confused.

"Smile," he said as he started laughing. I slapped his hands away and a smile plastered itself onto my face after.

"You could've just asked me to smile you dick." I rubbed my cheeks as I said that.

"I wouldn't have gotten a genuine smile if I would've asked." I pushed him and he only laughed harder. I couldn't help but smile as I saw joy on the boys face beside me. I touched my cheeks again and that unfamiliar feeling hit the pit of my stomach. Weird.

We sat on the roof for an hour, and soon the bell signaling for the next lesson rang. I looked over at Ba Wei and then back at the exit.

"I guess we should be getting back to class."

"Yeah, I guess. It's not like I'm going to pay attention."

"You will pay attention. I said as I stood up, "In fact,  I want you to take notes."

"Like hell I will. I don't need to take notes."

"I know you don't need to, but I want you to." Ba Wei stood up and stretched, and I started walking towards the door.

"I don't even have things to take notes," he said.

"Then I'll give you some notebook paper from my bag." As we started to descend the stairs I could've sworn I hear him smack his teeth. He really is like a child.

We walked in silence for most of the way, but as we got closer to my classroom the more I felt like he wasn't there. I glanced back at Ba Wei to see that his face was cold and he was looking directly ahead. Good he's still there. He shifted his eyes a bit and they met mine. His eyes weren't cold like his face. In fact, I could say that I saw amusement swirling in those dark pools.

I slowed my walking down until I was walking directly beside him. He glanced at me for only a second before he turned his attention back in front of him. I smirked slightly and just focused on getting to my class. It wouldn't take long to arrive since it was only a few more steps away.

"Wait outside, and I'll bring it out to you," I said to him as I turned and walked inside. The teacher hadn't arrived yet and I was glad about that. I could feel people eyeing me but I ignored it and went to my seat.

I pulled out an extra notebook and a pencil. I walked back out the classroom and walked over to Ba Wei. He was leaning against the wall, staring across the hall.

"Here, take some notes in this," I said handing him the notebook, "if you already know the material don't write it down."

He narrowed his eyes, " I know how to take notes you know."

I crossed my arms, " you could've fooled me." He smirked a bit and pushed up from the wall.

"Let me get to class. I wouldn't want to be late." The sarcasm that dripped from that sentence made me chuckle. He seemed satisfied with my reaction and turned and started walking away. I shook my head and turned and went back into class. Yaling was the first set of eyes I noticed on me, and that's only because she was not trying to hide it. Creepy.

I went and sat in my desk, and got out the appropriate workbooks and my notebooks. After I was settled back in I waited for the teacher to come in, and it didn't take him long. My mathematics teacher was a fast paced man, so as soon as he stepped behind that podium class began. I picked up my pencil and got ready to take notes. As I sat there staring at the board, I couldn't help but wonder why I was in such a better mood than before.

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