Chapter One Hundred Two

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The tutoring went smoothly even though every now and then Ba Wei would get frustrated

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The tutoring went smoothly even though every now and then Ba Wei would get frustrated. I wish when he did this he didn't look so cute because it made me pick harder questions for him which was definitely not right. I think he started to catch on because he got a bit snappy at the end of it.

We now were just sitting watching tv. Can you guess what we're watching? If you guessed cartoons, you guessed right. I couldn't tell you what the name of it was but Ba Wei seemed to be enjoying it so I didn't say much about it. It wasn't even like I was watching it. I was more or less watching Ba Wei indirectly.

I would look him over slowly but not slow enough that he would notice. I just couldn't help it, and I don't know why. I can honestly say that I am infatuated with the guy beside me but at the same time I wish it wasn't true. Nothing good ever comes of me getting close to anyone.

"Are you just going to stare at me the entire time," Ba Wei asked pulling me out of my thoughts?


Ba Wei laughed and sat back against the chair. He eyed me for a few minutes before he finally spoke.

"Come here."

I raised an eyebrow, "for what?"

"Just come here."

I was going to ask more questions but decided to just scoot over to him. As I got closer to him he put his arm over my shoulders. I can't lie and say I wasn't a tab bit uncomfortable. It wasn't the sitting arrangement but rather how close he was.

"Why did you-"

"What are you thinking about," he asked cutting me off?

"I'm not thinking about anything."

"So you were just staring at me with an empty mind?" I nodded and he seemed to be amused by it. "That's a bit weird isn't it?"

"No," I quickly said. "I just can't really help it."

"Is that so? So you like my appearance then?"

"I mean yeah. I can't say that I don't," I said as I let my eyes scan his body.

"What exactly do you like about it?"

I knew exactly what he was getting at. I could hear it in his voice and I didn't really want to explain. It would be way too embarrassing to even admit what body parts caught my attention. It would be way to inappropriate to say even for me.

I could feel my face start to heat up and out of nowhere Ba Wei kissed me. My eyes widened upon the initial contact of our lips but after the shock passed I kissed him back. When he pulled away he bit his lip. How can he be so erotic?

"Why did you kiss me," I asked shyly?

"Sorry. I just really couldn't help it. You were so cute."

As he said that he moved his arm from my shoulders and placed a hand on my thigh. I moved a bit and in response his grip tightened. Okay, I'll stop moving.

"Hey," he called.


"I know I already asked about that man before and his son but I feel like you're not telling me everything."

His voice was soft as he said these words and even though they sparked a fire in me I instantly put them out. It wasn't like he was lying. I was keeping very crucial information from him but it was for the best.

"Don't press the issue okay."

"I'm not trying to but it's hard to not ask when I remember how visibly uncomfortable you were."


"I may have not known you for years or something but I've known you long enough to know that you don't act like that normally."

"Ba Wei," I said calmly. I looked over at him and our eyes met. As I stared into then I could actually see that he was concerned. With a sigh I shifted my eyes, " look it was just a friendship that went sour."

I mean it technically was the truth although I should've used another word instead of sour. Maybe rotten? Yeah rotten is a way better word describe how it ended.

"Hmm. What happened?"

I had hoped that he would let it go but I see I have no such luck. I didn't want to talk about it but looking at him I knew he wouldn't drop it. He was going to keep pushing me until I get mad and we'd end up having another stupid argument. So the best option was to just tell him majority of it but without the ending.

I sighed, "well we were really close at one point. So close that he was like family to me, but in the end he was just like everyone else."

"What do you mean?"

His voice was soft and I could tell that he was trying to comfort me even though I didn't need it. It wasn't like I was sad about it anymore. People come in and out of my life easily so he wasn't anything special.

"He used me, well my fathers money to his advantage. I bought anything and everything because truly I didn't care and my father never complained but I guess I couldn't see that that's all he wanted."

"He must have been a good friend at one point."

I nodded and a small smile spread across my lips, "yeah he was. Although he was a bad influence. I honestly can't even fully recall most of the days because of how drunk I used to get."

I let out a small chuckle as I finished the sentence. I looked over at Ba Wei and to my surprise his face was cold. I nudged him a bit and he turned and our eyes met.

"Do you still drink like that?"

The question was a bit surprising to me. I had thought he'd ask questions on why he was such a bad influence on me, but I guess the blacking out caught his attention more.

"Not really. I can hold my liquor so it takes a lot. Plus I'm walking the straight path these days."

"So that day I came to your apartment you were just drinking just to drink."

I honestly had almost forgotten all about that time. I had a hell of a headache the next day because of that strong ass liquor. Never again...never again.

"Well yes and no."

"What do you mean?"

I was about to answer when my phone started to ring. I pulled it out of my pocket and let out a sigh when I saw the unknown number. This early Cheng De. You couldn't even wait a full day.

I let out a sigh and answered the phone, "hello."

There was silence for a few minutes before The soft voice that I recognized too well rang through the phone.

"Ji Nan."

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