Chapter Eight

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When I woke up the next day my eyes felt like someone had poured salt into them

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When I woke up the next day my eyes felt like someone had poured salt into them. My head was spinning and my stomach was in knots. I climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I went to the sink and cut on the water. I splashed water on my face and looked in the mirror. I looked terrible.

I had forgot the feeling of a hangover, and the familiar pain it brought. I wouldn't say it hurt, but I would say it was unpleasant. My breathing was heavy, and my eyes were red. I looked as horrible as I felt.

I don't even remember what I drunk last night. I know I went shot for shot with them though. I ran my fingers through my hair while still looking into the mirror.

"Never again."

I walked back to my bed and laid back down. I grabbed my phone and was surprised to learn that it was already noon of Sunday. I know I went to bed late last night,  but this was a new record.

I had quite a few missed calls from my father, but I had no intention of calling him back. I also had a message from Yaling, and I don't recall giving her my phone number. Hell, I don't recall a lot of shit from last night.

Yaling: are you busy today?

I would text back if I was in a good mood and I wasn't. I kept strolling until I came across a unfamiliar phone number. It had the area code from where I use to live. I clicked on it and put it on speaker phone. I waited for someone to answer but no one ever did. In the end I had to end the call. They must of had the wrong number I guess.

I put my phone down and pulled the duvet up to my nose. Even though I was laying down the pain in my skull still remained. It felt like a balloon had made a home in my cranium and kept inflating with no end in sight. The nausea was only making it worse.

I closed my eyes and just laid there in the silence. The only thing I could hear was my own breathing. Soon my head stopped spinning, and the nausea disappeared.

Before I could even try to fall asleep my phone started to ring. My eyes snapped open and I picked it up. I looked at the caller ID and discovered that it was that same number that I called before. I sat up and answered it.


"Hello, Ji Nan." My eyes widened as the familiar deep voice met my ears.

"Wan Li?"

"What happened to you calling me uncle?"

"Ask my father," I responded coldly.

"Don't be like that Ji Nan. I haven't talked to you in so long."

"Why did you call me?" The line was silent, and I was praying he would just hang up. I wasn't in the mood for a reunion.

"I called to say hi. I was bored."

"If you're bored speak to my mother."

"You're still mad about that."

"Am I," I asked sarcastically?

"Come on, Ji Nan don't you wanna see your mother again."

I could feel the anger boiling deep within me, but I wouldn't let him get a rise out of me. That's what he wanted. Instead I answered as cold as I usually would.

"I'm not the one who abandoned their responsibilities." I ended the call and threw my phone down. I ran my hands through my hair frustrated. Why did he have to call me? Why couldn't he have called my father? Probably because he knew my father wouldn't pick up. I wouldn't have either if I knew it was him.

Wan Li is the only person that me and my father could come together to hate. He betrayed my father as a friend, and he caused my mother to betray me.

He was my fathers best friend at one point, but then he slept with my mother. It was a bad move on his part. When my father found out about it he threw my mother out. I watched that day as tears ran down her face as he gave her the keys to a car with her things in it. It was a grim moment in my life that plays over and over again in my mind.

I remember my mother looking at me, her eyes begging me for help; but I didn't. I just stood there as my father threw her out. I still remember the sorrow on her face. Maybe that was the moment she stopped caring about me. Maybe that was the moment when she started to see me as just another guy my father had wrapped around his finger. I'll never know because she won't talk to me.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. I got up and went over to it. I opened it to see Ba Wei standing there. I rubbed my eyes and yawned.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" My voice was rough and a little bit deeper than usual.

"I brought the clothes," he said as he held them out to me. I took them and thanked him for returning them.

"You can come in if you want," I said as I stepped aside. He didn't move from his place at my door way, but his eyes looked me up and down.

"Are you alright?" That question surprised me. I rubbed the back of my head nervously.

"Yeah, just feeling under the weather." I don't know why I lied, but the look in his eyes made me feel like I had to.

"Alright. I have to get going."  Right as he said those words an unusual expression appeared on his face but vanished soon after. What was that expression just now. I forced a smile and waved goodbye.

When the door clicked shut I looked down at the clothes surprised to say the least. I was surprised that he remembered how to get to my house When I brought him here on Friday he was mostly asleep, but he did leave by himself Saturday morning. I wonder how early he actually left.

I threw my clothes on the couch and headed back to bed. I picked up my phone as I pulled the duvet back over me. I scrolled through my messages until I came to Ba Wei's. I typed a quick message. It was just a casual question.

Me: did you do you're homework?

A few minutes passed with me staring at my phone in silence until a text finally came back to me.

Ba Wei: why?

Me: I'm you're tutor aren't I?

Ba Wei: yeah, but are we at school?

Me: just answer the question

Ba Wei: yes

A small smile crept its way onto my lips. I could hear his voice as I read that message. I sent one last message before I pulled the covers up and closed my eyes.

Me: good

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