Chapter Two

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My walk to school the next day was a fast and noisy one

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My walk to school the next day was a fast and noisy one. The noise seemed to be endless, and it seemed like every person I walked by was speaking loudly. My eardrums were ringing by the time I was halfway to the school gates.

I would have normally woken up an hour early before the streets became busy, but for some reason I overslept. I had barely any time to do my normal things in my routine. After my shower, I had to immediately leave after getting dressed. This cut out the time I took to blow dry my hair. I had to just rub a towel over it and brush it all back. It didn't bother me too much, but it didn't help my mood. I should've gotten up on time.

I made it to school at the usual time that most came. Students were pouring into the campus with their friends by their side. Although they were loud I had become used to it. I couldn't ask them all to be quiet. I walked at a normal pace ignoring the people who would bump into me. Every time they would do this it would draw the attention of whoever they were with. I didn't say anything to them. All of them would say sorry after doing it, but even if they didn't I wouldn't have cared.

"Ji Nan!"

I pretended like I didn't hear that familiar voice, and kept walking. Even though I sped up my pace those thin arms still found their way around one of mine. Without any other option, I stopped walking.

"Why did you keep walking? Did you not hear me calling you?" I looked down at her flushed face. She must have run over to me. Little beads of sweat had formed on her forehead. Without thinking I reached out and wiped them away with my thumb.

"I didn't hear you," I spoke softly as our eyes met. As I stared in those big globes it was something that I couldn't identify swirling within them. The moment I saw it, it disappeared. I raised an eyebrow at her, and a smile spread across her face. The more the looked at her smile the more I felt like I needed to return it. In the end, I did, but I can't help but wonder if she could tell if it was fake.

"Why is your hair wet," she asked as we started to walk.


"Why would you not dry your hair? You could've been late." I could hear the worry in her voice as she said those words. It was odd that she would worry about me, but then again this is the same girl that sticks to me all day. I looked down at her and sighed.

"It's not your problem." She let go of my arm and stopped walking. I didn't bother to wait for her, and before long I heard the tap of her shoes catching up to me. I kept my eyes forward as we entered the hall. Sometimes I wished we had a different homeroom, but even if we did I still think she'd come to find me.

I was deep in thought when I felt her hand try to grab mine. Before she could close her fingers I pulled my hand away. I stuffed them in my pockets, and I heard a whine come from beside me. I didn't spare her a glance, and as we walked into the classroom she stomped over to her seat. I glanced at her as I sat down and in all honesty, I wanted to laugh. It wasn't that I found her amusing at all, I just found upsetting her amusing.

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