Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"You're the worst," I said out of breath

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"You're the worst," I said out of breath. I watched as a smile spread across those full lips of his as he walked in my direction.

"How am I the worst?" The smile on his face was smug, and if I could hit him I would.

"You really have to ask that," I said as I sat down. My body felt like a truck hit it. The adrenaline that had once pumped through my system was gone, and that only left the soreness behind. It would probably get worse when I took a shower and lay down for bed. Why did I even continue to play this game when I knew it would end up like this?

I wanted to continue to scold myself but when Ba Wei sat down beside me my mind went blank. I don't know why, but it did. We sat there in silence not saying anything to each other for a good minute. I glanced over him quickly, and couldn't help but notice how the sun beamed off the sweat on his body. How erotic.

I don't know how long we sat there in silence because the silence itself wasn't unpleasant. It was comfortable to the point that I didn't feel the need to break it, but I was curious about something.

"How did you learn basketball?"

He sighed, "I play with my friends a lot, but my father taught me."

"Really," I asked shocked? "I bet your father was easier on your than you were on me."

Ba Wei let out a full throat laugh, "you would've died if my father taught you. He plays dirty."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you see this scar," he pointed at a small scar on his waist, "I got this from being taught basketball."

It didn't look like a bad scar, but it still looked like it would be painful. Without thinking I reached out and ran my fingers across it. The skin around it was rough. It reminded me of someone who I use to call a friend. Don't think about him.

Ba Wei cleated his throat and I quickly removed my hand. I looked up at him and I was surprised to see that he wasn't looking in my direction. He was looking off in the distance.

"Uh, I'm sorry."

"For what?"


"It's alright," he said cutting me off, "it's not a big deal.

I nodded my head and took the initiative to change the subject because I knew the silence that followed that would make me feel even more embarrassed than I already was.

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