Chapter One Hundred Nine

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When we left the house I didn't say anything

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When we left the house I didn't say anything. I just put on a shirt and followed him out the door. In truth I don't think he wanted me to come but I wanted to see just what his task was. That may just sound like me being noisy but I was more or less just wanting to know more about him. I know I have a lot of things I am keeping from him but I don't think it should be like that with him. That's a bit hypocritical I know, but before we even left I found out something new about him.

He could drive. I wonder why he didn't disclose me this information, but at the same time why would he? I had never asked and plus Kang Wu always drove him around. Speaking of that driver why did Ba Wei suggest his father ask him to do the task he was about to do. Just what is Kang Wu to Ba Wei exactly. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the car coming to a stop.

I looked over at Ba Wei, "where are we?" I looked out the window to see the streets empty, but as I looked up at the buildings I couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy. Looking at the buildings I could tell what part of town were in, and it wasn't me judging at all it was more of the realization that whatever he was here to do wasn't in anyway shape or form legal.

"You don't need to know," he said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "Stay in the car."


"Stay in the car. Don't unlock the doors. Sit here quietly until I get back. I won't be in long."

I barley had time to process the information he gave me before he got out the car, and as soon as the door shut the doors locked. I tried to unlock it and get out, but even when I tried that the door still wouldn't budge. Goddammit.

Having no other choice I relaxed into the seat and just waited. A few minutes passed and slowly I found myself dozing off, but I didn't get the luxury of falling asleep because my phone began to ring right when I was about to. Annoyed I pulled out my phone and picked it up.


"Is that anyway to talk to your father?"

Upon hearing his voice I was even more annoyed, "what do you want?"

"Wow. I would've thought me being in the hospital would at least make you drop that attitude you have."

I sighed, "what do you want?"

"Nothing really. I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I should be asking you that. What the hell happened anyway," I asked genuinely concerned?

There was a short pause, "in truth Ji Nan, I don't really recall. I just remember having a drink with a friend from work and then I woke up in this hospital bed."

"Who was the friend?"

"Ah you don't know him. He's a broker from a business I used to fund."

"Hmm okay. I have to go alright, but dad."


"Tell your new woman to stop contacting my mom. She has not right to-"

"Alright I will tell her. Don't get worked up on something so trivial," he said cutting me off.

A part of me wanted to say more but knowing my father he would just make a excuse for that woman just like he did now. He may not know it is an excuse but saying that her calling his ex-wife and saying whatever she likes is definitely a problem. How soft of him.

"I have to go," I said as I noticed people running out of the building Ba Wei went into. "Get well."

Before he could even answer I had already hung up the phone. I stared at the crowd of people pouring onto the street and as I scanned the crowd my eyes came to land on Ba Wei. He was walking slowly and because of this I noticed that most of the people scattering onto the streets were running from him. I looked his body up and down and thats when my breath halted.

Blood and lots of it. It was splattered on the white shirt he had on and from even back here I could see it on his hands, neck, and even his face. What the fuck did he just do.

I watched as he calmly walked to the car and got in. He didn't say anything or glimpse in my direction and just started the car and pulled off. We sat in silence for a few minutes before I finally broke it.

"Are you hurt anywhere?"

Although this was a simple question I know he could tell that I was concerned. Rather I wanted to or not seeing him like this would always prompt me to ask questions like this. It's not like I wanted to be this concerned about his well being and even I didn't understand it because he's the only person that I respond like this with.

"No. I'm fine."

"That good news at least." I looked over his bloody frame, "just what was that job you had to do back there?"

He looked over at me, "do you really want to know?" I raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Well this job was simple. I just had to go take care of someone."

"So you beat them up?"

"More or less, but in truth I'm supposed to make sure they're gone for a while."

Confused I scratched the back of my head, "what do you mean?"

"They're not supposed to responsive when I get done. Hence the reason for the blood. The outcome of me taking care of someone is to leave them barley breathing but alive."

I didn't know what to say in truth. I was speechless because if I was processing what he just told me correctly that means that he just went in that building and beat someone almost to death  and wasn't batting an eyelash to it.


"You don't have to pretend that you're not shocked," he said in a low voice. "I didn't want you to come for this very reason so I wouldn't have to tell you this yet."

"Why didn't you want to tell me," I asked confused?

He glanced over at me, "I didn't want to show you this part of me yet."

I was taken aback by the sudden softness of his voice. Sure this was a bit alarming to me but not anything I hadn't seen before. The tone in his voice almost made it seem like I would hate him or something. Without thinking I reached out and grabbed his hand. I ignored the feeling of the blood coating my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Why? This doesn't bother me."

He looked over at me, "this should. It's not everyday that someone tells you something like this."

I let out a chuckle and squeezed his hand, "you'd be surprised on the type of people I've met."

"Don't brag about that."

"I'm not," I said laughing. "I'm just saying I've met people with worse secrets."

I meant that in its purest form. I had met people with worse secrets. He might be almost killing people but he still hadn't killed anyone that I know of. Unlike me. He at least didn't have that burden of his shoulders. He at least didn't have to relive such a thing every time he closed his eyes.

"You should know by the type of job I just did that I am one of those people with worse secrets."

A slight smile spread across my lips, "so am I."

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