Chapter One Hundred Nineteen

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Class for the rest of the day was boring but surprisingly I managed to pay attention

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Class for the rest of the day was boring but surprisingly I managed to pay attention. I took a good amount of notes, but I knew that I would have to make the study session longer today. I doubt Ba Wei will be thrilled hearing that but he'll just have to deal with it. Since Midterms are literally all of next week I need him to get his shit together. If he ranks last in the midterms no one will even believe he can graduate. The graduation exam is even more stress inducing than the midterm so hopefully he'll deal with this pressure easily.

As I was packing up my things I heard someone walk up to me. I glanced beside me and mentally sighed when I saw the familiar face of that all too annoying girl. I was about to tell her to fuck off but she spoke before I could.

Pushing her phone in my face she asked, "is this you?"

I sighed and turned and looked at her phone. It was a picture of me and Ba Wei kissing. A small smirk tugged at my lips upon seeing it. I shifted my face to her and I nodded my head.

"What about it?"

"What about it? What do you mean? Are you not embarrassed showcasing this kind of relationship with a guy?"

Looking at her face she seemed rather upset and I was thinking about feeling sorry for her but the end of her sentence quickly made me almost dislike her more than I already did. I turned and finished packing my things and zipped my bag. I threw it over my shoulder and turned back to her.

"Why would I be ashamed of kissing someone ?"

"Well because he's a guy and you're not like that."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. If was hilarious that she thought she knew me. She knew less than most people I interact with.

"Look Yaling, I've put up with a lot of your shit ever since I got here but you're getting really annoying."


"I'm not done so please don't interrupt me. I don't think I've made this clear enough for you. I am not interested in you. I will never be. I regret ever letting you have your way when you were around me." I ran a hand through my hair, "regarding the matter that you just brought up. I never asked your opinion on my personal matters so why are you giving it?"

"Because I'm worried about you," she said softly, "it's all I ever do anymore."

"If you want me to feel touched by that then you've failed. Find someone else to worry about because I never asked you to worry about me. I have a boyfriend for that."'

As those words left my mouth Yaling looked shocked. I didn't give her any other time and just walked around her and began leaving the classroom. As I walked down the hallway my phone dinged. I pulled it out of my pocket to see that Ba Wei had sent me a message.

Ba Wei: I'll be late to the tutoring session today. Do you just want to do it at your house? I can meet you there."'

I didn't even attempt to respond and just called him. The phone rang twice before he picked up.

"Hey, did you get my text?"

"Yeah I got it. How long will you be?"

"I'm not sure. Dad called an emergency meeting for some reason. He even pulled me out of class so it must be important."

"En. I'll be waiting."

"Hopefully I don't keep you waiting long. Get home safe okay. Text me when you get there."

"Okay. Bye."'


I pushed my phone into my pocket and made my way to the far exit of the school. It felt like it had been forever since I had walked home. I had forgot how nice the wind felt against my skin. The streets were mostly bare and because of that the walk home was even better. I took in a deep breath and let my mind wonder. Of course Ba Wei came up first but then it went to my father.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit stressed, but not for the reasons you'd think. I wasn't stressed because of the fear of my secrets getting exposed to Ba Wei. I knew I would have to tell him one day so it wasn't that heavy of a burden on me anymore. I was more stressed on the fact that if Cheng Ge's father gave him my number he most definitely told him where I was and if there's smoke there definitely a fire somewhere. He would definitely pop up sooner or later.

Letting out a sigh I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and just focused on getting home. It took me about five more minutes before I finally arrived at my apartment complex. As I climbed the stairs I felt a bit off. I felt like there was someone watching me. I didn't speed up my walking nor did I look behind me. I just continued to my apartment in silence. I unlocked my door and slipped in locking the door quickly behind me. I flipped on the lights and sat my bag down.

I ran my hands through my hair and made my way over to the couch. I flopped down and pulled out my phone. He told me to call him when I got home so I would. I opened my phone and clicked on his name. I waited patiently for him to answer.

"Make it home safe?"

"En. How's the meeting going?"

"Boring. He's mad about some kid stirring up trouble in his territory. He's giving people the chance to pitch solutions."

"That does sound boring."

"You think? Try being here. I'm probably gonna sneak out."

"Don't. Won't you get in trouble for that?"

"If all goes well. I'll be there in thirty. Wish me luck."

I couldn't help but laugh and wish him luck. He ended the call and I was just stuck there sitting with a smile on my face. Hearing Ba Weis playful tone really did improve my mood quite a bit. I mean even seeing the guy smile made butterflies appear in my stomach. I didn't want him to sneak out and get in trouble but at the same time It would ba nice to see him. I'm truly infatuated with him aren't I?

I felt my face began to turn red and a small smirk made its way in my face. As I sat there thinking about Ba Wei one think kept popping up. I couldn't help but think that it would be nice to go a bit further. You know take it a bit pass just the touching and kissing stage.  I mean I've seen what he's packing and of course he's seen what I have so why haven't we taken that next step. I know we talked about it once but that was it. Was it too early for that kind of thing? Maybe he's afraid since I basically said that I wanted to be on top. Maybe I made him nervous about that aspect. Maybe if I brought it up nonchalantly it wouldn't be that awkward. Maybe.

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