Chapter One Hundred Three

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"Mom," I said in disbelief

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"Mom," I said in disbelief.

"En, I'm sorry to call so suddenly."

"No, no, it's fine."

I didn't know what else to say but that because I was overjoyed. This was the first time in I don't know how long that she called me. The first time she actually sought me out. I was truly in shock, and looking over at Ba Wei so was he.

"Are you at home right now Ji Nan?"

"No, not right now? Why?"

She was silent for a minute, "oh I ran into one of your friends earlier. I dropped off a package they wanted to give you."

When I heard that my blood ran cold. What friend was she talking about? I don't have any other friends except Ba Wei and it couldn't have been him. No. Please no.

"Mom," I said calmly, "what was their name?"

"I don't really remember."

"Try to remember please."

As I said those words Ba Wei got up from the couch. I immediately looked up at him and he quickly mouthed that he had to use the bathroom. I nodded and turned my attention back to the call.


"I can't remember her name but she was very cute."

I didn't say anything and just let my thoughts run wild. It could be Han Jie Xue. I hadn't heard from since that phone call a few months back. If it is her who knows what she could've sent me.

"Do you remember what she looked like?"

In truth I didn't want to talk about this but I needed to know exactly who she spoke with and the only female I could think of was the blonde haired girl that considered herself my ex-girlfriend. I wouldn't be surprised if she sent a bomb to my door and that should say a lot about her.

"Ah yeah. She was small with dark hair."

"Huh," I said confused. "She had dark hair?"

"En. She was a very sweet girl." I didn't say anything and just let my mother continue to speak. "I just called to let you know about that since she wanted me too. It was nice talking to you."

"Mom wait."

"What is it?"

Her voice was cold as she asked that question and I couldn't help but be a bit hurt by that. I sighed and took in a deep breath.

"I miss you."

I heard a small sigh come from her side of the phone and then silence. I wish I could explain the pain that this brought but I can't. It was a pain that only the people who feel it can describe.

"I have to go Ji Nan."


I couldn't even get the full word out before the line went dead. I took the phone away my ear and stared at the screen. The day my mother calls me is also the day that she hangs up on me after I said I miss her. What a treat that was, and on top of that the call wasn't even to check up on me. It was about some strange girl that asked her give me a present. How actually pathetic. My mom called not to check on me but to tell me to check my mail. That's great.

On that thought who exactly was this girl. I hadn't told anyone my address besides Ba Wei and I definitely didn't tell anyone back in my old town. I'd I did they would've just moved here when I did and caused me way too many problems. So the question is who is it. The description of a cute girl with brown hair could be anyone. Goddammit.

"What are you thinking about," Ba Wei asked pulling me out of my thoughts?

I watched as he sat back down beside me, "not much. Just confused."

"About what?"

I didn't know how to answer because I didn't know how to. I was confused but how do I tell him I'm confused on a person is if I can't even give a detailed description.

"I don't know how to explain it."

He put his hand back on my thigh, "does it have something to do with the call from your mom?"

"Yeah. It's weird."

"Well I'm all ears for the weird."

I couldn't help the small chuckle that left my lips when I heard that sentence leave his mouth. I think he did it on purpose to get a rise out of me.

"Well my mom called to tell me that she ran into one of my friends and she wanted to let me know that she dropped a package off for them."

"Uh huh. What's the problem with this?

I let my head fall back, "well the issue is that I don't know who the friend is. I don't have many friends and then there's the address issue. I don't even tell people the name of place I stay."

He rubbed my thigh, "that is a bit weird. Are you sure no one from you're previous school could be behind this?"

"No. I don't think so. She said It was a female with dark hair and the only female that I was involved with before I moved was blonde."

"Oh foreigner?"

"No she just had blonde hair."

"Well don't you think she could've just dyed her hair a dark shade then?"

He did have a point but I knew Han Jie Xua. I knew she wouldn't just change her hair after having it for such a long time. That hair color was like her default settings.

"Well but you don't know her like I do and I know that she wouldn't touch her hair."

"That's weird then. Do you want to go to your house and get whatever that was left?

I didn't say a anything and only nodded. I watched as Ba Wei got up from the chair and pulled out his phone, I didn't listen to what he was saying and just got up. As I stood there I couldn't help but be a bit frustrated.

My day was finally calming down and then this had to happen. Out of all the time that has passed they want to pop up now. Wonderful just wonderful.

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