Chapter One Hundred Seventy Five

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It didn't take long for them to come back with everything I asked

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It didn't take long for them to come back with everything I asked. I had just got done making the noodles when Ba Wei walked into the kitchen. I glanced back at him and smiled. I had already had the soup cooked and ready. the only thing I had left to cook was the noodles. It wouldn't take but about five minutes to finish them.

"Where have you been this entire time?"

"I was up speaking with your father."

"You two are getting along well," I said dropping the noodles into the bowling water. "How is he?"

"Yeah. I'm surprised he's being so nice, and he seems fine." He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "It smells amazing in here."

I smirked, "it's almost done."

He kissed my neck, "do I get dessert?"

"Not with my father under the same roof."

He laughed and whispered in my ear, "you'll just have to be quiet."

My face was burning and I couldn't say anything. He kissed my neck one more time before he backed away from me. I was grateful because for a second I thought he was going to do something inappropriate.

"Let me help. What can I do?"

I cleared my throat, "you can set the table."

"Babe, this table is too small for the amount of people you're trying to feed."

"Just line up the bowls by each other so I can prepare them."

He didn't say anything but from the clinking of the bowls I knew what he was doing what I had asked. I pulled the noodles out of the water and sat them to the side. I turned around towards the table and smiled.

"What are you smiling at me like that for?"

"It's nothing," I said laughing. I grabbed the noodles off the counter and started to fill all the bowls up. Then came the duck, and then the all veggies. As I assembled all the food Ba Wei watched me, and was smirking.

"Do you want me to go tell everyone that dinners ready."

"Please. Make sure to tell everyone to wash their hands."

He nodded and I began filling the bowls with the broth. I was on the last one when the back door opened. My eyes met Ba Ming Chuns almost immediately.

"Welcome back."

He gave a nod, "I haven't missed dinner have I?"

I handed him the last bowl that I just filled, "nope. You're right on time." I looked at his men, "i would prefer if you ate first."

He nodded and walked over and sat down. I was going to ask him to wash his hands but he had already taken a bite. I watched him intently as he chewed.

"I didn't expect you to cook so well."

I let out a chuckle, "thank you for the compliment." I looked at the body guards standing behind him and smiled. "Please help yourselves."

They glanced at Ba Ming Chun before grabbing a bowl. I turned and walked to the sink and washed my hands. As I was drying them I heard the sound of voices. I watched as Ba Wei reentered the dining room with everyone. I couldn't help but smirk a bit as everyone grabbed a bowl. Ba Wei let everyone get one before he picked one up.

He walked over to me, "here."

I held up my hand, "no no I'll eat once everyone else has eaten. I'll take this one up to my father though."

He nodded and handed me the bowl. I excused myself from the group and made my way upstairs. When I came to my fathers door I heard his voice.

"I know I have to tell him, but everything going on with his mother I don't know if it's the right time."

I cocked a eyebrow and opened the door, "tell me what?"

He glanced back at me and I realized he was on the phone. He let out a sigh and ended the phone call. I cocked a eyebrow but didn't say anything. I walked over to his bedside and handed him the bowl of soup. He didn't say anything and just took it and began eating. The room stayed in silence like this for a few minutes before he spoke.

"It's refreshing to have this," he said with a sigh.

"En. I remember how much you love it."

"Son," he said sitting the bowl on the night stand. "I know I have always been hard on you but it doesn't change that I love you."

He cleared his throat, "I may be a asshole an times, even abusive sometimes in your eyes, but I have never meant to make you hate me. I apologize for doing anything that would make you think I didn't care about you."


"No. Let me say this. I know I've been a terrible father. I have no excuse for how I treated you but I-" he was cut off by his own coughing.

"Are you okay," I asked worriedly?

He nodded but continued to cough. He coughed hard one last time before he finally stopped. He moved his hand from his mouth and my eyes immediately focused on the red specs on the sides of it

" that blood?"

He didn't say anything and just took deep breaths. I quickly got up from where I was sitting and yelled down to Ba Wei.

"Ji Nan you don't have to-"

Once again he was cut off by harsh coughing. I watched in horror as more blood came out of his mouth. I heard the shuffling of feet and glanced back to see Ba Wei walking through the door.

"shit. is he alright," Ba Wei asked rushing to grab the cup of water on the night stand?

My father grabbed it and took big gulps of it. What the fuck was happening. My mind was going a mile a minute, and it was beginning to spiral.

"Is that blood," I heard Ba Wei ask?

I stayed quiet and just tried to calm my rough breathing. I could feel my eyes start to sting. Something wasn't right here, and I knew it. He wasn't telling me something, and seeing how he was trying to speak about such touchy things right now made a haunting question enter my mind. Is he really fine...

"Ba Wei," I said calmly, "can your father get a doctor in here by any chance?"

"Yeah that shouldn't be an issue. I think it's for the best at this point," he said with furrowed eyebrows.

Without another word he got up and left. I turned my attention back to my father who was wiping the blood off the corners of his mouth. He cleared his throat, and to my surprise he grabbed the bowl of soup. I watched as he slowly began to eat it. I was confused on why he would try to eat something after those coughing fits.

"Are you sure you should eat-"

"Thank you," he suddenly said.

"What for?"

"Making this. It reminds me of simpler times." He coughed a bit, "happier times." He stared at the soup for a minute before he spoke again. "Ji Nan I love you. You can hate me, but I just want you to understand and know that."

"Dad why are you speaking this way? Why are you acting like..."

"I won't see you again," he said finishing my question? I nodded. "well Ji Nan I don't know how else to tell you this but I don't have much longer." When I heard that sentence the tears I had been holding in began to fall.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm dying."

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