Chapter Sixty-Five

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The morning went by with lighting speed

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The morning went by with lighting speed. I only realized what time it was when the bell for lunch rang. I ran a hand through my hair and closed my text book. I looked down at my notebook and honestly wanted to die. I knew that my note taking would become more vigorous but looking at the eight pages made my head hurt. The homework would also increase and I knew I could handle it, but I know Ba Wei couldn't. He barely wanted to do the homework we got before this. This is going to be stressful.

I closed my notebook and glanced around. Most of the students had cleared out, but a few still stuck around. Looking at these few people that lingered I realized that I don't even know their names. I never really cared to ask them, nor have I paid them any mind since I came here. It was strange looking at them because they all looked like typical high school students I would say. The ones that have never had a run in with the law. The ones that obeyed their family. The ones who had a whole family. The ones that were normal.

I shifted my eyes and dug out my phone from my pocket. I opened my messages and clicked on Ba Wei's number. I sent a quick messages simply asking where he was and closed my phone. It didn't take long for my phone to vibrate.

Ba Wei: I'm taking care of something but I'll be on the roof in a minute.

Me: what are you taking care of ?

Ba Wei: I'll tell you later. Just meet me on the roof.

I didn't text anything back and just put my phone away. I sat in my desk a few more minutes before I decided to go get something to eat. When I stood up the people that were still in the classroom looked at me. I paid no attention to them and made my way to the door.

"Hey, you're name is Ji Nan right," one of girls asked?

I stopped walking and turned towards them. The girl who had asked the question was fairly cute, but wasn't my type. Her voice was high but not as squeaky as some of the girls I met.

"Yeah, that's my name."

"I'm surprised he answered you Chunhua," The boy standing beside her said while laughing.

"Do you need something?" My tone was slightly harsh since I didn't want to talk to them especially after that.

"Not in particular," she started, "I just wanted to see if you wanted to join us for lunch. You're always alone."

When she finished that sentence our eyes met. She shifted her eyes and I watched as her cheeks began to turn red. I sighed and slowly forced a smile to spread across my face.

"I appreciate the offer, but I have somewhere to be today."

I turned to leave but before I could the girl that was called Chunhua said I wish she didn't.

"So another time then?"

I turned to her with a forced smile across my face, "yeah sure."

When I walked out of the classroom I could hear her make a rather happy sounding squeal. As I walked down the somewhat crowded hallway I couldn't help but curse myself. Once again I agreed to something I shouldn't have. Why do I always do this to myself.

I sighed and made my way towards the vending machines. I walked pretty fast and when I made it there I was surprised to see that a lot of people were gathered by them. Usually the students surround the ones in the break area but never the ones on the far side of the school. I couldn't help but wonder why, but I just shrugged it off. I dug my wallet out of my pocket and bought two bags of chips. I didn't know what kind Ba Wei would like so I just got the regular kind. Come to think of it I should've asked him what he liked. He'll just have to deal with it if he doesn't like it.

After I bought the chips I made my way toward the roof. The walk wouldn't be that long since the halls were really bare. Mostly the only people that lined the halls were students going to the lunch area. I never understood the idea of going to just hang out with friends just to do that. Wouldn't that get boring easily. I use to hang out with my friends because of convenience not because I wanted to. I guess they probably weren't my friends then.

When I got to the roof it was empty. I was expecting Ba Wei to be here by now but he wasn't. I sighed and walked over to the railing and sat down. I guess I just have to wait for him. I looked up at the sky and just stared at the bright blue color. I took in a deep breath, and sighed.

Just smelling the somewhat cool air made my nerves relax. The air was cool but not cold even though I knew after a couple more weeks it would be. Honestly speaking I'm surprised that the first snow hasn't fell. Usually around their time in November it would be freezing, but I guess the cold is a bit delayed this year.

I sat up there looking at the sky for I don't know how long before the door to the roof finally opened. My eyes snapped in that direction and sure enough Ba Wei came into view. I looked him over and raised an eyebrow. His hair was a bit messy, he didn't have on his uniform jacket, and even from where I was sitting I could see the beads of sweat that were on his forehead.

"Hey, you didn't wait long did you?"

A smile spread across my face, "no, I just got here a few minutes ago."

"Ah," he sat down beside me, "thank god. I thought I had you waiting too long."

I laughed, "I'm fine with waiting. It's not like I have things to do you know."

"Still. It rude."

"Here," I reached down and grabbed the chips, "I bought you these. I don't know if you like them though."

He grabbed the bag of chips and a smile spread across his face, "Thanks."

I watched as he opened them and began eating, and I followed soon after. We sat there in silence as we ate. It was quite weird hearing only chewing sounds but at least it wasn't awkward.



"I made to school on time today."

"That's good. I think you should-"

"Where's my kiss," he asked cutting me off?


"Where's my kiss," he repeated?

I looked over at him confused, but soon it dawned on me. A frown plastered itself on my face.

"I never agreed to kiss you."

"You didn't say you wouldn't either." 

"I'm saying it now."

"That's not fair."

"Not fair," I asked laughing? "What are you twelve?"

Ba Wei didn't say anything and I was about to say something else before his lips crashed into mine. His lips were soft and they were warm, but before I could even fully enjoy it he pulled back. Neither of us said anything, but I could feel his eyes on me. My entire face was on fire so I knew it was bright red.

"So cute. Your face is red."

I looked up at him, "fuck off"

Ba Wei laughed, "thanks for the chips." I was taken off guard by that sentence. I looked up at him and our eyes met. "I'll treat you next time."

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