Chapter Eighty-Nine

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"You know you didn't have to come right," I said as I opened the door

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"You know you didn't have to come right," I said as I opened the door.

Ba Wei didn't say anything and just walked into the room. Initially when he asked me to send the address I just thought he wanted to know exactly where I was but when he hung up right after I knew I would be seeing him soon.

I closed the door and looked over Ba Weis figure and my eyes stopped at the bag in his right hand. I raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. I made my way back to the bed and flopped down on it. Even though I didn't look at Ba Wei I could feel his eyes on me.

"Is the bed comfortable," he asked as he sat his bag down.

"I would say so," I looked up at him, "I could definitely get a good nights sleep here."

He didn't say anything and just sat down on the bed beside me. The room was silent but it was comfortable. I stared at the ceiling thinking about nothing for a few minutes until Ba Wei spoke.

"Why didn't you call me?"


"Why didn't you call me when you left your house instead of coming here?"

I stared up at him without an answer. I couldn't say that he didn't cross my mind because he did. I just didn't want to bother him while he busy. I'm always interrupting him and I don't want to be annoying.

"I just didn't want to bother you," I said shifting my eyes. "You had already did enough for me today."

"You're so dense."

When I heard that sentence my eyes snapped to him to see that he was staring down at his hands. What did he mean? How was not wanting to ask him for help being dense? My reasoning of not contacting him was also understanding so I don't get it.

"How am I dense? I gave you a valid reason why I didn't contact you."

He sighed, "it's not about the valid reason you gave. It's the fact that you don't get that I like doing things to for you."

I could feel the blush rising onto my cheeks, and even though I wanted to look away I couldn't. It was like his cold stern stare kept me in place. I regret laying down on the bed because with him towering over me left me at a disadvantage.

I cleared my throat, "I...didn't know that."

He chuckled, "I'm not surprised. For you to be so smart you don't understand body language well."

I raised an eyebrow at him but said nothing. I guess he took my silence as confusion because almost a minute later he began to lean in, and because I was already laying down I had no where to go. My heart sped up as his face got closer. I shifted my eyes but I could still feel his presence getting closer.

"Ji nan." Hearing my name roll off his tongue sent shivers down my spine. "Tell me, what am I to you?"


"Look at me."

Almost immediately after hearing him say that my eyes had already met his again. I let out a small gasp at how close he was. He was completely bent over so that his face was inches away from mine.

"You're a friend to me."

Ba Wei raised an eyebrow, "I'm just a friend to you.?" I slowly nodded and he didn't blink at all. "So you let friends touch you the way I do?"

"No, no, only you touch me that way."

"But you just said I'm only a friend."

His voice was low and soft as he said this, and it just annoyed me even more. I don't know what else to call him if but friend. It's not like I had a clear answer. I still am confused about the status of what you want to call what we've been doing. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling his body on top of mine. He seemed surprised by my sudden movements but soon he relaxed.

"I," I started, "I don't know."

"Do you just see me as a friend?"

"No," my arms unconsciously tightened around him. "I just don't know what to call you."

"Why not just call me your boyfriend?"

When I heard that question I didn't know how to feel. I wasn't disgusted by it nor was I afraid of the weight of that word. Yet hearing him ask me that made my stomach do weird things. I loosened my grip on him and he positioned himself on one arm so he could look me directly in my face.

"I...I don't know."

A smile spread across his lips, "I call you that."

My eyes widened, "what?"

"Well, When I think of you. Its never with the word friend. It's always with something heavier. Whether it be boyfriend, partner, lover-"

"Please stop talking," I said as I smacked my hands over my face.

"What? You don't like hearing the truth?"

"How can you say such things with a straight face?"

I wanted to go hide under a rock somewhere. My face definitely looked like a tomato, and he definitely saw it. My heart was beating fast and even though I didn't want to feel happy I was. I was happy because for once someone saw me instead of my name.

"Cute." I looked over at him and our eyes met, "look, I don't want to rush you into anything. I'm fine with the relationship we have now."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I'm fine with us not putting a label on what we have."

I was about to say something when his lips met mine. I relaxed almost immediately and returned the kiss. When he pulled back his eyes didn't leave mine. I watched as he flicked his tongue out to lick his bottom lip.

A small smile graced his lips, "I will wait for you to accept me with open arms Ji Nan. I will wait until you are completely open and honest with me. I will wait as long as it takes to make you mine."

Each and every word in that sentence hit hard against my heart. As we stared at each other I wanted to do nothing more than to kiss him. The feeling from before that had always come when I looked at him had returned. The feeling that made my heart pound and my cheeks flush red. Why do you do this to me?

As we stared at each other in silence only one word left my mouth, "okay."

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