Chapter Ninty

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"Next time I'll call you

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"Next time I'll call you."


"Next time something like this happens," I said as I got up from the bed, "I'll call you."

"If you don't want to you don't have to," he said with a sigh. "I just want you to rely on me more."

I kept my back to him and began to unbutton my shirt. It's not like I wanted to not rely on him I just couldn't. I don't like bothering people nor do I like to get close to them. I was already a bit too close to Ba Wei as it was but to bother him constantly would just make me feel odd.

"It's not that easy for me," I pulled off my shirt, "If I can solve the problem I will. I'm not use to relying on people." He didn't saying anything and I took the opportunity to further explain. "I've taken care of myself since I was young so it's a bit hard to change."


I wasn't expecting him to ask that. I actually thought that he had stopped listening to me. I glanced back at him to see that he had sat up and crossed his legs. I turned around and tossed my shirt beside the bed. I watched as his eyes traveled down my body and watched as they stopped at a specific area on my chest. I was about to turn and head to the bathroom when he spoke.

"Come here."

His voice was hard and commanding and even though I just wanted to Ignore it I knew I couldn't. I made my way over to him and just like I had thought his eyes stayed on that specific area of my chest. He reached out and touched my body with his fingers. I looked down at the rather large bruise that he was touching and I knew he would ask about it.


"It's nothing." I said cutting him off. I stepped away from his touch and made my way to the bathroom. As I walked I heard him get up and I couldn't help but let out a sigh. He grabbed my arm and I stopped.

"It's obviously not nothing."

"I said it was nothing so that's what it is," I said as I pulled my arm away. "I'm gonna take a shower."

He didn't say anything but I knew if I stayed he would have something to say. I didn't mean to sound as rude as I came off but somehow even the thought of telling him what happened made me sick. What if he thought it was my fault for saying what I said? What if he thought I was a brat with no home training?

All of those thoughts ran around in my brain as I walked into the rather large bathroom. I looked around the spacious room In awe because this hotel was on the cheaper side but it honestly didn't show it. I walked over to the walk in shower and turned on the water. I tested the temperature with my hand before I began to undress.

After my clothes were off I stepped into the stream of hot water. It felt nice to feel little tingles all over my skin from the almost scalding water. I let my head fall under the water and let out a small sigh. I was so focused on the water that I didn't even hear the door to the bathroom open. I only noticed that someone was in the room with me when a stream of cold air hit me from the shower door being opened.

My eyes snapped open to see a fully naked Ba Wei and as my eyes trailed down I couldn't help but blush. I didn't want to focus on that part of him but I couldn't really help it. It was huge, It made me question if he was part animal because it wasn't anyway that he was just blessed with it.

Ba Wei cleared his throat, "mind if I join you?"

I couldn't really say anything because he had already joined me in the shower. I turned my attention back to myself and picked up a bar of soap and started to wash my body. The entire time I was doing this I could feel his eyes on me. Every small movement I made was most definitely followed by his eyes.

I was about to say something when he pushed his entire body into mine from the back. I was a bit shorter than him so his rather large member was pressed right against the upper part of my ass. My hand movements stopped and as if sensing my confusion with situation he wrapped his arms around me.

"Are you mad?"

What did he even mean by that. I hadn't even expressed that I was upset. I was annoyed but that was a everyday thing at this point.

"No. I'm just tired."

He didn't say anything and held me tightly against his body. I didn't move and I almost didn't breathe either from how uncomfortable this situation is.

"Can you let me go so I can finish showering."

"I don't want to."


I couldn't even get my sentence out before the arms that were around me started to loosen, and with that loosening came probing hands. I stayed still as his hands slide from my chest to hips and back up again.

"You've lost some weight," he said kissing my shoulder.

I didn't know what to say to that so I stayed quiet. In fact I didn't know how to react to what he was doing. I was fine with him touching but it was the places he would slowly start to touch more sensitive areas on my body such as my nipples.

He would squeeze them or anything like that but he would brush over them making my body shudder. Then as he would make his way down he would jerk my body onto his even though we were already close together. When his hands would make it to my pelvic area he would let his hands go a the way down but never touched what I wanted him to touch. It honestly felt like a message but when that part of me became hard I knew that he in fact did this on purpose.

"Stop," I said slightly panting.

He kissed my neck again, "do you really mean that?"

I couldn't say anything because I didn't. I wanted to more. I wanted him to make every bad thing go away and I had a feeling he knew that.

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