Chapter One Hundred Sixteen

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"That didn't go well," Kang Wu said as he followed us back into Ba Weis part of the house

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"That didn't go well," Kang Wu said as he followed us back into Ba Weis part of the house.

I sighed, "I can't help but agree there."

"Yeah you better since you're the one that was picking on Boqin."

"I did no such thing," I said in a surprise tone. "He's the one that obviously had a issue with me."

"Yeah, but you're the one that started picking at him," Ba Weis said budding in.

I walked over and sat at the island and just stayed silent. I watched as Ba Wei and Kang Wu began to interact and I couldn't help but question how they became close. Hell how did the air between me and that man become so friendly too. I mean sure I was apart of the 'gang' but he doesn't have to be nice to me. I'd rather have him be like he always was than fake friendliness.

"Are you two excited to go back to school tomorrow?"

"Hell no. That guy over there is going to force me to go to class."

"Well you want to graduate don't you," I asked raising an eyebrow?

"Of course but it doesn't mean I have to be there everyday. The people in that school don't even like me anyway."

"They don't have to like you. You're not going to please others."

Kang Wu snorted, "he's got a point there Ba Wei."

"Shut the fuck up." Ba Wei stared at the older man for a few seconds before continuing. "Why did you even follow us up here. Don't you have better things to do."

"I mean I do, but I know how much you hate when I come over when you have company."

When I heard that sentence come from his house I couldn't help but think that Kang Wu was a bit more childish than I originally thought. His appears he surely said serious but his personality didn't. It was interesting.

"Well, you can leave now. I have to actually go to bed since I'll be going to school tomorrow."

Ba Wei didn't sound to happy when he said that sentence and I couldn't help but to laugh. I wasn't laughing at him in a rude sense, but he was just so cute when he acted childish.

"Didn't think you actually had the emotions in you to smile Ji Nan," Kang Wu said.

As the laughter calmed down and my eyes locked on Ba Wei I noticed he was staring at me. I didn't know why but as I studied them there was something I couldn't read in them. I raised an eyebrow and surprisingly I watched as the the thing in his eyes turned into annoyance. Was he annoyed at me?

"I gotta get going sadly," Kang wu pushed off up from the counter,

"What has father assigned you tonight?"

"Well," he looked at me, "he assigned me to guard his father for a few hours."

Surprised I couldn't help the word that left my mouth, "why?"

Kang Wu didn't answer right away. It seemed that he was choosing his words wisely. He looked over at Ba Wei and sighed.

"I'll let him tell you himself. It's not something I should explain." I watched as he made his way out, "I'll see you guys tomorrow."

I looked at Ba Wei, "what is he talking about?"

"You don't have to worry to much about it. My father is just being cautious because he doesn't know if the attack was because of my presence or not."

"It's not, but why would it be because of you in the first place? Sure you're the son of a gang leader but-"

"You answered your question yourself. I have a lot of enemies and because of that father will investigate. Even if it wasn't my fault. He will resolve it for you."

I didn't say anything and just lowered my eyes. If his father investigated that meant that probably was gonna find out about the letter and probably was going to dig into my life. It wasn't that I minded, it was just he was probably going to discover what I did. He was probably going to question me on the death I had a major part in. Fuck.

"Come here," Ba Wei said suddenly.

I looked up at in but still got up and went over to him. I stopped a few inches in front of him only to be pulling face first into his chest.


"I'm not going to ask why you assume it isn't about me, but relax a bit okay."

I wrapped my arms around him, "I am relaxed."

"Your face a minute ago didn't say relaxed."

"It's just," I looked up at him, "I don't want to get you involved in something that could cause you harm."

I meant that from the very bottom of my heart. I didn't care for people but he was an exception. I wanted to keep him away from the baggage I brought even though he was so close to it. I didn't care what other people thought but to have him come to hate me would be a pain that I may not be able to recover from.

"Whatever baggage you come with, I will accept it. I've said this once before but I'll say it again." He lifted my chin up with his finger so I was looking at him, "there is no part of you that I won't accept."

I stared up at him in disbelief. My heart was being a mile a minute and I wish I could tell you I wasn't a bit wooed by his statement. I didn't even know why I was blushing but I was. It was the first time anyone had ever said such heavy words to me.

"You don't mean that," I said as I buried my face back in his chest.

"I mean everything I say to you sweets."

If I had ears they would have perked up upon hearing the pet name he just called me by. I couldn't say that I didn't like it but will I even let him know that I liked it? No.

"Don't call me that," I said sternly.

"I would stop, but you like it a bit too much." I was going to protest but I didn't get the chance when he stepped out of my embrace. "Come on," he said pulling towards the bedroom, "we should get to bed or else neither of us will get enough sleep."

I let him pull me along because I knew he was right. In truth I didn't want to go back to school either. These two days had been hectic but it was nice to actually be happy for once. As Ba Wei led me down the hallway a thought crossed my mind. A thought that made my heart skip a beat. I don't want to lose him.

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