Chapter Sixty-Four

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The next morning was a rough one

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The next morning was a rough one. Getting back up early after sleeping in for three days was way more difficult than I thought. When I climbed out of bed my body felt dead, but that was partially my fault because i stayed up past midnight with Ba Wei. As I thought about that I couldn't help but wonder how he manages to even get up in the morning.

When I left my apartment I thought Ba Wei would be waiting outside but he wasn't. I couldn't help but think it was strange but I chose to just ignore it and began my walk to school.

The streets were lively as usual. It was mostly older people out. I could only assume that they were making their way to work since it was so early. I couldn't help but feel what the responsibility felt like. To have to be at work at a certain time just so you can take care of your family. I never understood working but I know I would probably have to do it as soon as I graduate even if I didn't want to.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head and focused on getting to the school. It was harder to have neutral thoughts on the way since every step I took was painful. I thought that the pain would go away but when I woke up it was only worse. There wasn't any bruising but putting on my clothes and having them rub against my skin hurt like hell. But whatever it's no the first time I've had to walk through pain.

When I made it to the school gates it was relatively empty. To my surprise there was a few students already there. Seeing how early I get up, they had to come when it was dark outside. I sighed and made my way to the doors. I was just about open the door when I heard a familiar high pitched voice come from behind me.

"Ji Nan!"

When I heard my name being called I froze. I knew who it was, and even then I still stood still. I let out a sigh and turned around and sure enough the person that stood before me was Yaling.

"Is there something you need?"

When I asked this question I took the time to look her over. She looked better than the last time I saw her. She looked like herself strangely enough.

"Um not really."

"Then bye," I said turning around.


"What? You just said you have nothing you need."

"Well I wanted to talk to you."

I raised an eyebrow, "you're talking to me now and you're lucky you're getting this."

Yaling sighed, "look I just wanted to apologize for how I was acting." I stared at her for a few seconds. I didn't know what to say. Looking at her I knew she was lying and I didn't want her apology. "Are you going to accept-"

"No." I snapped.


"I don't accept your apology."

"What? Why?"

I looked into her eyes, "because you don't mean it. It would be pointless to accept a fake apology."


"I don't care what you have to say," I said cutting her off. "Just don't bother me anymore."

Before she could say anything else I turned around and walked into the school. I expected her to chase after me but she didn't. I was somewhat relieved about that, but I couldn't help but think that It was a bit strange. Why would she even apologize if she doesn't mean it. I wouldn't have accepted it even if it was real since I honestly don't care. I don't know why she was making this out to be something. I don't want to be around her and her friends, and the fact that I couldn't do that nicely is ridiculous.

Come to think about she started to get kind of weird after I met Ba Wei. A smile spread across my face when his name crossed my mind. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I opened it and scrolled through my contacts until I came to Ba Wei's number. I clicked on it and put the phone to my ear. It rung twice before that deep voice hit my ears.


"Are you just waking up."

Ba Wei cleared his throat, "yeah. Why?"

"Have you seen the time?"

"No. I just woke up."

I couldn't help but laugh, "If you don't get up you'll be late."

"Late for what," He asked while yawning?

"School you dipshit."

"Oh yeah. I forgot that I had to be there now."

"Yeah, so get up."

"I will if you give me a kiss when I get there." I raised an eyebrow when I heard that sentence. My face slowly began to turn red. "Are you blushing?"

I stopped walking, "Fuck off."

"I'm not hearing you saying no to either of those things."

"Just get here on time."

"What if I don't?"

"Don't be late."

"okay, okay, I'll be there."

Without saying anything else I hung up the phone. If I didn't I knew I would end up saying something weird. He wants a kiss when he gets here? How childish. Why can't he just get here like every other student? Why does he need leverage. He probably just wants to mess with me.

I pushed those thoughts to the back of my head and started to make my way to my homeroom. The halls were still quite bare, but I knew that it was almost time for all the students to get here. Thinking about that fact only made me want to get to class even faster, so I sped up my walking. As I got closer to my classroom I started to slowly my walking, and soon I made it. When I walked into the room I was surprised to see my homeroom teacher.

"Good morning."

"Good morning," I said as I sat down in my seat.

"I heard you were absent yesterday."

His eyes met mine, "Yeah. I didn't feel well."

"Hmm. Ba Wei was absent too."

"Oh was he..."

"Yeah, so make sure you double up on the tutoring today. Don't forget that midterms are coming up."

I didn't say anything and laid my head down on my desk. I didn't want to seem rude but it was to early to talk about such things. How annoying.

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