Chapter One Hundred Forty Five

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When we arrived in Shanghai it was around seven in the afternoon

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When we arrived in Shanghai it was around seven in the afternoon. During the train ride Ba Wei had barely spoken to me. In fact even since we got off he hadn't spoken a word. He wasn't acting cold or anything he was just silent but even then it was still alarming to me.

I had fell asleep on the train and the only time he even touched me was when we laid my head on his shoulder. I couldn't help but think he was mad at me or something. I glanced over at him and immediately made eye contact. Ny face began to flush red and I quickly looked away. I heard a chuckle come from him.

"Why did you just look at me?"

Hearing his voice for the first time in fourteen hours almost made my heart skip a beat.

"N-no reason," I stuttered out.

"Really," he reached out and grabbed my hand? "Why don't I believe you?"

I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face, "I can't make you believe me."

Ba Wei pulled my hand up and kissed it, "I could but..."

" but what?"

"My method would be widely inappropriate for public viewing."

As we walked I thought about what could be so bad until it hit me. My face instantly went beet red. I heard a light laugh come from Ba Wei that made my heart swell.

"I hate you."



I could feel him looking at the side of my face, "well I'm quite fond of you."

"Don't say shit like that," I said with a chuckle.

"Why? Can't stand the truth pretty boy?"

"No. I've told you before, saying cute things doesn't fit you."

"So you'd rather me call you a bastard."

I laughed, "at least I'd know that is true."

Ba Wei couldn't help but laugh and I couldn't help but join him. It felt nice for that weird atmosphere around us to be gone. It felt like just another day with us but the full reason for us being in Shanghai was still In the back of my mind. I honestly didn't want to be here. The streets still looked familiar to me even after a year of being gone. I guess I should say it to myself. Welcome home.

"We should find a hotel before it gets too late."

I just nodded and let him lead the way. As we walked passed all the familiar stores and shops I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It felt as if I was back in my old high school. It felt like I was even more of a failure to my father than I am now.

"What about this one," Ba Wei asked pulling me out of my thoughts?

I turned my attention to the building in front of me and gave a simple nod. I knew the building, I had came here before with Han Jie Xue. It wasn't anything serious she just wanted to have sex here for some reason. Now that I think about it that request was strange. Quit thinking about her.

As we walked into the building immediately memories started to flood back. I remembered meeting  Cheng De after spending the night with many women. Even remembering that guys smile as he walked up to me made me angry. I hate fakers the most,

"Ji Nan is that you?"'

Upon hearing my name I blinked a few times and looked up to see a familiar face. I couldn't help the genuine smile that spread across my face as I saw that little old man standing behind the desk.

"En, it's me uncle. I can't believe you still are working here."

I quickly walked up to him and he swiftly gave me a hug. I happily gave him a hug back. It had been so long since I seen this man. He was like a father to me. Even when I came and went after all my one night stands he never asked and just offered me snacks on my way out.

"Who's this young man with you," he asked as he pulled out of the hug.

I looked back a a very confused Ba Wei. I wanted to laugh but also kiss him because he looked so cute confused. I reached out and he happily grabbed my hand.

"This is Ba Wei, he's my um...boyfriend."

I thought after saying that this little old man would push back at that fact but he didn't he immediately stuck out his hand to introduce himself.

"It's nice to meet you young man. My names Jin Dingxiang, but please just call me uncle."

Ba Wei gladly took his hand and gave a quick bow.

"It's very nice to meet you too sir."

Dingxiang smiled, "I can't believe you've found someone to quench that appetite of yours."

My face immediately began to heat up, "uncle, let's not share too much."

I glanced back at Ba Wei to see that he had no reaction to that sentence, but some how I could see the gears turning in his head.

"You need a room?"

"Uh," I cleared my throat, "yes."

"Alright, hold a minute. I'll get you a key."

"Alright how much will it be?"

"it's on the house."

"Uncle I can't do that, you'll get in-"

"I own this place so it's not an issue." He walked behind the front desk and grabbed a key and handed it to me. I was going to say something but before I could the old man had already walked away. I turned around to look at Ba Wei only for us to make eye contact,

I smirked, "it's not polite to stare."

He didn't say anything and I just began to walk in the direction of the elevator. I reached over and grabbed this his hand as we came to a stop in front of it. He say anything and just pressed the button. We waited there in silence and just as the elevator dinged and the door opened Ba Wei squeezed my hand a bit. We walked into the elevator as as soon as the doors closed Ba Wei looked over at me.


"Just how many women did you bring in out of here?"

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